Honestly, I just use an old backpack that I have to transport my xbox around.

I thought that wasn't available on xbox and PS3 until tomorrow (9/29)?

You can on xbox, you can lower the "voice" volume to zero, that would solve that problem.

I can access the website fine on Safari. iPhone FTW! Sorry to all of you android users, SUCKERS!!

I would say gears of war 3 or something with more action, Have you tried bastion? really fun game.

Bastion, Halo:reach, Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, Shadow Complex and Gears of War 3(I haven't played gears 3 but from what I hear it's really good).

Does that mean in-game party/voice chat? Are you telling me that even the cross-game xbox live party chat won't work either? Because that's supposed to work whether the game has chat support or not.

Portal is seriously THE game that will convert people into gamers. Puzzles are universally loved by all people, gamers and non-gamers. You throw a story and some action in there and it's an instant win.

You must have missed half of the comment, BreakingSunday mentions that his computer doesn't have HDMI and he doesn't want to move his tower...

Just curious (I don't own deus ex), how much did you get for trading in Deus Ex?

I agree with Cracklin oat, BASTION! If you even remotely/somewhat/just barely like hack n' slash games, get it. It's fairly cheap and such a blast to play. Great music and visuals also. First game ever that I bought the soundtrack.

I just checked on amazon and the cheapest speakers I could find were $80, anybody find any cheaper ones?

A couple years back I was obsessed with a TD game called mushroom revolution, really cool customization. You get gems and you can put up to 3 gems in each mushroom (tower) and get different attacks (fire, ice, water, rapid fire, splash damage, etc.) really fun and addicting.

I agree with Rampage, absolutely worth it. Great game. It's 2 dollars come on, you could find that in change in your car.

Is that FFVII I see sitting there on your desk? Nice.

That is a killer mullet.

YES, out of all the awesome shows I watched last night (always sunny, office and parks and rec) parks and rec was my favorite as always. I was dying at the beginning of the episode when Ron ran in (so hilarious the way he runs) and pulled Lesly in her chair, jammed something into the wall and used it as a step ladder

Absolutely, people hate "big wigs" and people love the underdogs. There are a lot of shitty things that large companies do, and can do, because they are large that make people hate them. But there are also pretty rich companies that people love, like Valve and somewhat, blizzard. But their not that big compared to

It's what happens to a company that's losing it's popularity. I love Nintendo and probably always will, but not everyone has the same opinion and when sales start to drop, companies become "money hungry" because they have to, to survive.