
Yes, yes it is...you should get checked out.

I agree, I've been to two Mars Volta concerts at the Electric Factory in Philly and they were both amazing!

Yea thomas pridgen is an awesome drummer but I agree it didn't seem to work. Although, amputechture is one of my favorite albums and that was the first album he was in with them

yea i clicked on the link and was surprised to see basically a porn site in the gawker format, never knew about fleshbot.

Well I would suggest to anyone, because they're my favorite band, The Mars Volta. Their most recent album wasn't great but everything else is amazing. It's kind of a prog rock type of music.

Yea you're right. Here's to hoping the xbox 720/ps4 can handle it.

If it cannot accommodate lag then how was I able to play on Gamespy arcade over the internet with minimal lag?

2 days? I couldn't do that in my entire lifetime, damn it's good.

Why can't games look like this, wow. This is why I loved the art style of Bastion. Similar hand drawn graphics although this looks a lot better. I don't see why that wouldn't be possible.

dead island

...or already paying for comcast and already paying for live and use it to watch comcast...so I can drop the rental fee on my current set top box.

Chopping zombies heads off is so much fun

Donkey Kong Country Returns is awesome, enjoy it :)

I heard the PC version was the worst, in terms of bugs. Haven't heard much about the 360 version being broken, aside from the normal bugs everyone is having, on all platforms. You may have gotten your facts mixed up.

Because it will be Reach multiplayer, not Halo:CE multiplayer. They're basically DLC maps for Reach, not at all like the original maps.

haha seriously, I'm about to.

Then it would require that you have Halo Reach to play the multiplayer...That doesn't make much sense to me. What about the people that get the game but don't have Reach?

You don't get it. The whole reason we, Halo: CE fans, wanted a remake was for the ability to play Halo CE multiplayer on xbox live. That's it. I could care less about the single player. Because your right, I could just throw in my halo: CE disk right this second and play it. The original halo only had System Link(LAN)

Every part of your comment is spot on. Although, I disagree somewhat on halo 2 sucking. It wasn't great but I enjoyed it.