Well kind of, everything I've heard about it states that the multiplayer maps are some of the old maps remade in Reach's engine. With jetpacks and all.
Well kind of, everything I've heard about it states that the multiplayer maps are some of the old maps remade in Reach's engine. With jetpacks and all.
No, it has online multiplayer. It's just that it's basically remakes of a few halo 1 and 2 maps using Reach's engine.
"About the only area this freedom of choice doens't extend is the soundtrack, which has been remastered and, in terms of the haunting original score, completely re-recorded, with no option of hearing it as it was in 2001."
This game is a lot of fun. I picked it up last night kind of as a impulse buy because a couple of my friends got it yesterday also and I wanted to play through it with them. Rather than spending my time catching up with them.
Wow that SUCKS. Yea I only had to take one class of math and tested out of it. I majored in Information Sciences and Technology...and you would think that a major relating to computers would deal more with math than a business major. Weird.
YES, Zelda, thank you. All I ever see on here is Skyrim, Skyrim, Skyrim. I'm not saying it looks bad or anything and I'll probably end up getting it, just not day 1. But, I never see anyone say anything about Zelda.
Wow, a remake of U.N. Squadron on XBLA. AMAZING idea! I freekin love the soundtrack.
U.N. Squadron, one of my favorite games ever, barely anyone has heard of it. Although, I have found a few Kotakuites who have played it.
I tested out of college math when I was in high school. Best decision ever to take AP Calc in high school. The only math I ever had to take in college was Statistics (if that's even considered math.)
I thought it was a good episode, not the best, but good. I think I need to watch it a second time to really appreciate it.
HAHA I love that episode. "I'm your doctor, dr. Mantis and you have the HIV, yea H.I.V." (I know that's probably not the exact quote, but close enough lol)
"Now, officially more edible than the paper it's wrapped in!"
You lost me here, a game can be an MMORPG and still be in first person view. They're not mutually exclusive.
Yea, I guess you're right, looking at the whole scope of things. I guess I read it wrong, when you said "by the end" I was thinking "at the end."
"just as big a douche as the bad guys"?? **SPOILERS**
"just as big a douche as the bad guys"?? **SPOILERS**
Super Doge Ball and World Cup Soccer are two my favorite games on the NES, GREAT GAMES!
99% of the time it's not possible to do that. Sorry. Any video port you see on a laptop will be output for an external second monitor.
Very cool mug, but are they serious about those signatures? It's one fucking letter out of their name. That's not a signature, I'm sorry lol.
80 hours, damn, I just didn't think Twilight Princess could last that long. Sorry if my comment seemed dickish...I'm not to keen on the whole completionist thing, if I get to the end of a game, aka I see the credits roll, as far as I'm concerned, I beat that game and I'm done playing it.