Who's your favorite commenter on Deadspin? Mine's UweBoll[ucks]
Who's your favorite commenter on Deadspin? Mine's UweBoll[ucks]
Even if he is, that doesn't make him a [schmuck]
I don't think he is. I remember he edited a few posts here a while back. Editors have the ability to move/disemvowel posts. I assume Stev_D and Spud can do the same thing if they ever feel so inclined.
Lance Armstrong. Now there's a guy who isn't familiar with the agony of de feet...unlike REX RYAN!!1!!!1!1!!!!1!!
one testicle!!1!1!!!
[echo sucks]
Where The Red Card Goes
I literally just watched that episode of The Wire last night.
I just looked at the poll results...what kind of animal is against World Peace?
Ugh. Merry Christmas
Christ. This is the first time I've thought about Cee Cee & Doo Doo since "All My Life" was on the radio all the time.
+1 terrible, terrible movie
Following the release of Kobe Bryant's "The Predator", look for a steady decline in shoe quality, eventually leading to the nadir of the Kobe Bryant "Are We There Yet?" sneaker in 2024.