
General Zod had no reason to Kryptoform Earth. There are at least 2 planets in this solar system that would have suited his needs and Super Jesus, as well as humanity would probably have gone along with it. The movie should have been over 5 minutes after Super Jesus showed up on his ship. And don’t justify this

Seriously. Felicity should just hack an ARGUS missile and turn Nanda Parbat into rubble.

Thank you! The League story line is all over the place. Some of it’s interesting, but overall it’s too illogical and contradictory to be truly enjoyable, IMO. There’s so many issues in this episode alone. For example:

At least Ra's knows that Ollie has some skills. I'm still stuck on why Waller got to the island and said to herself "Look, a random half-drowned white boy on the beach. I'm going to devote a lot of resources into turning him into an assassin in Hong Kong." Then, upon finding out who he was not making a deal with Moira

What I don’t get is why is Ra’s so fixated on Oliver? He had to train him, so it isn’t his fighting skills he needs. He broke him and made him a shell, so it isn’t his will power or wisdom he needs, and I don’t see anything else. So Ra’s’s all the efforts to bring in Oliver for his position seems kind forced since day

Oh its murder... its just not murder murder, y’know. :p

The dude has interesting twists on ideas, but he needs a great countervoice (like Vaughn) to really make it shine. Without that, it’s crass, “extreme,” and difficult to ingest.

Toy company executives demand she be swaddled in pink for the next movie. Otherwise, they don’t know how to sell her.

I’m pretty sure this article explains exactly why we shit on DC. Then there’s Green Lantern and Man of Steel.

But Joe didn't see the headline and I don't think he was told.

That tactical fight scene with Skye was fantastic. Like nearly Dardevil episode 2 fight fantastic, it is just me that was blown away by the camera work and choreography on that?

Am I the only one sad to see The Bus get blown up? To me it was the AoS version of Serenity. It was home. And now it’s gone.

That moving gunfight around the room between Skye and the Hydra agents was a thing of beauty. It was claustrophobic, it was exciting, and it was my favorite action sequence from this series so far. It really felt like something that belonged on the big screen, not on a TV show.

I wonder if we’ll get hints at Blackbolt and Co at all. I would think an assault on an Inhuman sanctuary would merit a response from the Silent King...

I have to say: I’m almost glad AoS and PoI are wrapping up their seasons. My heart can’t take much more of this stress.

Skye has been trained into a badass thanks to May. That was a great scene, nearing John Woo levels. I wonder how it’ll be if the Hydra goons didn’t have firearms and resorted to using their fists. Glad to see the time where Agent Carter filled in did not go to waste.