
Yeah, but if she is not bulletproof then why make such a big deal out of her bleeding when hit in this movie

For me the question is, is the movie Wonder Woman bullet proof? Because, the way they showed in ww84, she was surprised to see herself get wounded by the bullet which signifies that she had lost power. But that meant that she expected too be built proof. But if that’s so, why did she need a shield in the first movie?

Didn’t much care for the first WW, but still hopeful that this will be good. Sheet the long drought of superhero movies and even longer drought of good DC movies, I feel that this would feel great

I am really excited about this, and even if it doesn’t live up to my expectations, I will be happy to know that the makers were actually passionate about the subject and really tried to make a complicated story work

I see a lot of great episodes listed by o people below, but for me the best single episode has to be epitaph 1 from Dollhouse! It’s tumultuous story both on and off screen are both surprising and changed the way we saw where the show was going. Whedon just showed this episode at comic-con because of a contract issue

This was so bad, it reminded me of Roger Corman’s Fantastic Four! I mean if you didn’t have the budget or time, don’t do an Inhumans project rather than ruining such a great thing!

That was Fox! Sony has only made the Spider-man movies till now!

Didn’t like Iron Fist, but this trailer is making me so excited! Love Jessica’s snark and want to see her banter with Matt! Can’t wait!

I was thinking about where the Avengers are in this world, and wonder if Project Insight (from Winter Soldier) worked here and they are all dead now!

Sony Pictures has gone batshit crazy!

I dislike both the shows but I am eagerly waiting for this episode! It does seem fun, hopefully, it involves a mostly sung through script!

All objects in the same orbit have the same speed. Therefore as long as orbits do not cross each other they do not crash. But there have been instances in the past where satellites have crashed. Reasons are unstable orbits, bad placement. Another possible point of failure could be if the orbit is a bit elliptical it

Given that it was an Indian Rocket, I would say the US was the ballsack. Still a worthy collaboration. Nice little space Frankenstein’s monster we have created. 

Technically India shot US’s load all over the Earth. (96 satellites belonged to USA of the total 104)

Oh, he has proven nothing. One moment he can move so fast that he can clean up rooms in an instant, get pizzas, strip robbers, etc.. And at other times he can’t even get to Captain Cold before he raises his gun to pull the trigger. I get why writers have to do that, but it just makes his top speed inconsistent and

Even though it’s different, reminds me of Dark Tower!

I hope this isn’t just Fiege trying to distance the Marvel TV from the Movies. If an Inhumans movie came out they would have to certainly deal with some of the repercussions of the show -like the surge of Inhumans around the world, the way governments are monitoring them, the designs of the terrigenisis cocoons and

In Feige we trust!

With the exception of Luke Cage, I have always felt that the shows have had a perfect length, especially Jessica Jones which to me is an excellently paced show. I think it might be possible that this complaint is not as common as we think, because the people who didnt mind the length of the shows won’t generally

For me the last straw was when Barry asked the reverse Flash to “KILL” his mom! I would have understood if the Flashpoint timeline was really some horrible place, but it was almost as good/bad as the original one.