
That's what I was going to mention UsernameofTheDead. I remember when Mass Effect 1 was announced and EA/Microsoft swore up and down that the PS3 would NEVER see that game. Also, I'm not sure if anyone will remember this but Shinji Mikami claimed he would cut his head off if RE4 came to another system. He owes us

I'll get shit for this, but I didn't find KI very good at all. There's a lack of depth, but likewise a lack of accessibility. It also looks decidedly last-gen.

Rockstar is pretty damn close considering they are both consoles...

You do know that although PS 4 plays at 1080p, a 4k TV is 2160p. So how is this beneficial when the PS 4 only plays half the resolution of the 4K, there is not much of a difference between 780p to 1080p maybe the 60 FPS might help. You do know that 4K is really 2160p, 4K sounds better that 2160p I guess.

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The future is kckckckckckckckckckckckckck

Wii U is not next gen.....



I'm just leaving this here.

OMG.. I laughed so hard at the blue checkmark...

That's hilarious LOL

Pretty much the result this article should have gotten.

Dead Rising 3 is a third-person action game in which you shoot, slice and sprint your way through a large open world, bypassing and vivisecting members of an ever-present zombie horde. The game is a race against time, with the story set on a clock that ticks forward slowly or terrifyingly quickly, depending on which

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Well it's more than graphics that make the game.

Although it is kinda weird that they'd skip pass the graphical portion like that. Poor framerate and the game has some really bad looking parts.

Yes, how can a next-gen game run at 720p and sub 30 frames per second and still get a "YES"?

according to digital foundry the fps drops as low as 10 fps

"It also struggles at times to maintain a consistent framerate, which is surprising, given the supposed processing heft of the Xbox One. " an XBox One exclusive at 720p gets an affirmative, while Ps4 exclusives at 1080p get a declination?

Seems legit.