They have a lot of work to do on their price if they want to be competitive with PS4 and XBone. It appears to be much more cost effective to build your own Steam Machine based on the prices listed on their site.
They have a lot of work to do on their price if they want to be competitive with PS4 and XBone. It appears to be much more cost effective to build your own Steam Machine based on the prices listed on their site.
Horror has really made a comeback recently. I'm hoping to see this on PS4 just like Outlast!
SEGA's piss poor record on localizing their games for the Western market does not bode well for anyone outside of Japan enjoying many more Atlus games. This sucks!
His dying wish was for Nintendo to become a 3rd part publisher. I hope Iwata and Nintendo will honor his wishes.
His dying wish was for Nintendo to become a 3rd part publisher. I hope Iwata and Nintendo will honor his wishes.
The nGage and Virtual Boy were also on that list at one time. It spells DOOM for the XBone.
He wasn't the nicest fellow, BUT she is paid to deal with all kinds of customers. She will be fired because she was extremely unprofessional and this video proved it.
I agree. They just can't compete against PS4 and Bone.
Ha! I never thought about that, but he really is!
Thanks. My Photoshop skills are slowly improving.
It would need to come with Half-Life 3 as an exclusive launch title, be more powerful than the PS4, and at least the same price as the PS4 to be competitive. I'd still get one over an Xbone any day.
The same time it takes me to get to and from my closest GameStop.