
I can't wait to pick this up for my next gen powerhouse Wii U!!! Oh, wait....

The question I ask is this game enough to get you to buy a Wii U instead of a PS4 or XBone?

I look forward to Nintendo taking down all those helpful fan made videos! They are infringing on Nintendo's copyrights and trademarks!

I replayed Fable on PC recently. Time has definitely not been kind to it. Not remotely as fun as I remember.

Nintendo's REAL secret weapon!


“Ten years ago, you could argue that a console’s power was summed up in terms of a few of its specs, but Xbox One is designed as a powerful machine to deliver the best blockbuster games today and for the next decade. Xbox One architecture is much more complex than what any single figure can convey. It was designed

Outlast by a mile!

I think you meant Seppuku.

No to mention that the Rift isn't $2000!

You should be! I had to stop playing many time because it was too intense.

I'm hoping that they at least offer Rift support on the PS4.

I have my PS4 pre-ordered, but I just couldn't wait. I'm a horror junkie, so I decided to buy it on Steam. I can't wait to get it on my PS4 on my 70" HDTV!

Nothing yet. Chair talking about the huge profit margin on Infinity Blade. They have a blockbuster iOS franchise on their hands, so we probably won't get another Shadow Complex game as long as they are making big bucks with Apple.

It isn't trolling, it makes business sense. With the WiiU tanking as badly as it is with no competition, imagine the sales of the console with PS4 and XBone on the market. Investors are already openly asking about this during conference calls. Nintendo needs a new console or to stick with handhelds and 3rd party

I expect to see those next year when Nintendo leaves the console business to become a software publisher.

Shadow Complex was one of the best games last gen.