Everyone should go buy Outlast on Steam. At $19.99 it is already under-priced. Outlast is the best survival horror game since Silent Hill 2.
Everyone should go buy Outlast on Steam. At $19.99 it is already under-priced. Outlast is the best survival horror game since Silent Hill 2.
I wish Chair would get to work on Shadow Complex 2 already.
Once Naughty Dog shows off their newest game on PS4 the debate will be over
Once Naughty Dog shows off their newest game on PS4 the debate will be over.
Once Naughty Dog shows off their newest game on PS4 the debate will be over.
The Japanese should have bought more Xbox 360s. Then maybe Sony would have launched in Japan on 11/15. Sony knows that the US is (was) the 360s strongest market and they need to get as many units on store shelves as possible.
Even Microsoft employees prefer Google!
I downgraded to Win7. Microsoft has been on a steady decline. This new console is set to be their next Surface-like money pit.
I can't believe I'm excited for an Assassin's Creed game, but here I am looking forward to this!
Watch Dogs in full next gen glory is worth it to me.
That is also a picture of people who pre-ordered and are standing in line on Black Friday to overpay for a console.
I'm with you 100%. I was ready to buy the XBOX One right up until Microsoft started opening their mouths. I sold my 360 and pre-ordered a PS4. The only ONE game I am interested in is Titanfall and I can wait for the PS4 release once exclusivity runs out or just get it on PC.
Uh oh. Overclocking = more heat = RROD? Only time will tell.
Nice try Mr. Balmer!
It is true survival horror. No weapons, just cowering in fear and running for your life. AWESOME!
I can see how someone destroyed their E3 booth by jumping out of their seat. It is very scary.
I've never been a big Killzone fan myself, but I really enjoyed the new one. Perhaps it is because the Dual Shock 4 is just that much better than DS3.
I'd love this! Competition with Rift is great because it will drive prices down for us gamers!
Did you play it at PAX? You didn't like it?
Great discussion. I always believed that smart phones didn't hurt Nintendo very much due to their demographic. As a parent I'd rather give my kid a 3DS than hand over my iPhone. I think smart phones hurt Sony more because the demographic the Vita appeals to all own iPhones and Androids.