
Walking Dead in GOTY by a wide margin in my opinion. Episode 4 was the best episode yet and really leaves you desperately wanting to know what is next - just like the comic book.

Does this game feature the lame respawning enemy checkpoints of Far Cry 2? Those drove me crazy!

I'll be getting the PC version if the reviews aren't horrible. The current gen just can't handle this game. Maybe they'll release an GOTY Edition for the XBOX1080 next year.

Spark Unlimited has a sterling record of shit games. Turning Point: Fall of Liberty and Legendary were both some of the worst games of this console generation.

Yes, indeed. Spark Unlimited has a sterling record of shit games. Turning Point: Fall of Liberty and Legendary were both some of the worst games of this console generation.

After Lost Planet 2 and RE6 does anyone really think that this will be remotely good?

Be sure to pick up Virtue's Last Reward for the 3DS. It was made to play best on two screens at once. Trust this 999 veteran!

iPhone 5. Everyone needs to get Infinity Blade and Infinity Blade 2. Those are the best mobile games ever made thus far.

No surprise that the PS3 version is markedly inferior to all other versions. I hope people have learned by now to buy third party games on the 360 or PC.

I've already beaten P4 eight times. I'd prefer a new game. I'll have to pass on this one.

The difference being that Dishonored is a great game, while Sleeping Dogs sucks balls. $40 is an outrageous price for that dung heap.

Sony is the EA of console manufacturers. I look forward to their exit from the hardware market and eventual demise.

No, I'm a super clean freak. My house is dust free at all times!

Yeah, it seems to be the price we pay for the artificially low prices of consoles.

I'm on my third PS3. Horrible quality blu-ray drives in the PS3.

I traded mine in for a 3DS XL. I've never been so happy with a trade ever!

Their new catchphrase is:

What a waste of space. Disgusting.

Looks great! Should sell like hotcakes. Yet another game that will boost 3DS sales. And yet another reason not to pick up the Vita, as if you needed another one.

This isn't actual demand. It is all from speculators buying 5+ systems a piece. I'll be interested to see how many systems actually sell next year, especially after the XBOX1080 is announced in the summer.