
Between this and Monster Hunter there is zero reason to buy a VITA. 3DS all the way!

RE1 through RE6. RE6 is by far the worst!

RE1 through RE6. RE6 is by far the worst!

RE1 through RE6. RE6 is by far the worst!

I got it Tuesday. Luckily, I live near one of their distribution centers.

It sucks just as a game. If it was called Game Z it would deserve a 20.

I'd say the 20 is about right. Anything over a 60 makes me wonder how many Capcom marketing dollars were dolled out.


Sony has tried to stop hackers, but have only hurt their sales and inconvenienced their PAYING customers. I'm tired of their constant firmware updates to bothe PS3 and Vita. The criminally overpriced memory cards for the Vita are a huge reason a lot of consumers skip it in favor of the 3DS.

GOTY 2012 so far, BY FAR!

Famitsu is know for their review integrity.

I have completed all of the campaigns and the 4th "bonus" campaign. They all suck. Worst. RE. Game. EVER!

I love how GameTrailers gave this shitty game an 8.8. As you watch their video review it is hard to ignore the massive RE6 advertising on every pixel of the screen. Smell the integrity!

HAHAHAHA! No one wants a Vita.

In honor of everyone's hard work here and Microsoft's recent XBOX Live rebate program I'll be donating 25 cents to my local charity.

I agree 100%. I'm hoping the 360 has a nice little price drop this Holiday just to F with Sony.

You are not a child. Children break things.

Parents know that somewhere down the line the controller needs to be replaced. Very few people will think $150+ for a controller is reasonable, ESPECIALLY parents. For the lucky ones that last a year, they will be faced with $150 for a controller or putting that money down on a new console from MS or Sony. I can

You guys just learned a hard lesson. Time Warner sucks! So does Comcast BTW.

Everyone I know that has a Wii is passing this time around. When the parents hear that the controller is $150+ they all say "fuck that."