
I can't take the floaty controls of this game on the XBOX and PS3. It is nearly unplayable on consoles IMO. This really is a game that requires a mouse and keyboard to play well.

Romney 2012.

My reflexes are fine. I beat the game without any problem, it is just an annoyance.

I have a nicer shirt.

We all adjusted to it eventually. That doesn't mean the combat couldn't be better.

Maybe because I'm playing the inferior PS3 version?

Maybe because I'm playing the inferior PS3 version.

As far as the DLC goes, you can just mod your game save to get all of this for free.

I've found Sleeping Dogs to be mediocre at best. The biggest failing of the game if by far the most important - the combat system. It tries to copy the Batman: Arkham City system, which in theory is great, but it is clunky and unresponsive. I am constantly getting stuck in the combo animation without being able to

FREE TO PLAY COMING SOON! When will companies realize that if you aren't WoW, you better be F2P?

I wanted a NEO GEO so bad when I was a kid. You were one of the lucky few.

Windows 8 feels like a tablet OS, not a home desktop OS.

No big deal. Just stick with Windows 7 until Windows 9 comes out.

Don't forget that salaries have not increased in tandem with the rate of inflation meaning that the adjusted price of around $80 is more like $119!

Sony admits that 3D is dead. They have gone on record as saying that they are doubling down on the next big thing...WONDERBOOK!

Play commercials free of charge! Only for PlaystationPlus subscribers!

MP3 was a real chore to play. It seems like R* really phoned it in.

Chevy releases statement saying that 93-95% of their cars are stolen right off the lot! This explains their poor stock performance.

They are pushing up market share, so that people will be more interested to hear that the new version comes bundled with the XBOX1080.

It is just like Activision using the Infinity Ward name when most of the people that made it great are now gone.