Man, Wipeout was THE game that sold most people on how awesome the PS1 was. The graphics at the time were totally mind blowing.
Man, Wipeout was THE game that sold most people on how awesome the PS1 was. The graphics at the time were totally mind blowing.
This looks way better than Sleeping Dogs. Darksiders 2 is the way to go.
The most fun I had was returning it for a full refund and getting Darksiders 2!
There is nothing fun about Sleeping Dogs.
Yep. Kill Bill 1 & 2 are in my top 10 of all time.
The DS is so awesome you could have a Top 50 list and people would still be pissed that you left a game off. The DS is one of the best consoles ever - handheld or otherwise.
If you've played the import version you will know this news isn't all that great.
Yeah, I'd say 2 million was including the people like myself that signed up when it was announced to try it out. But like most people found out that it wasn't ready for prime time.
Which I am happy about. I like owning physical objects.
1600 users is a really sad number that shows that physical media isn't going anywhere for some time.
Sony didn't need to pay the inflated price for OnLive's brand because in the end it will be renamed Playstation OnDemand or something of that nature. GaiKai was a perfect fit and for a much cheaper price. Also, the purchase of Gaikai put the final nail in the coffin of the failing business' hopes of being bought out…
I humbly accept said internet prize.
They are laying off roughly half of the original employees. Why hire substantially more people after you only hire a small percentage of the original staff? It is PR fluff to try to keep consumers from being afraid of buying a game on the service. Which I hope no one is doing since the news broke. If anyone wants…
EA is the friend that slips a DLC in your drink and then rapes you.
Their balance sheet is totally untenable. Losing 4 million+ a month isn't something that any company can sustain for long. I'd look for the service to be gone within a year.
This kind of service just isn't ready for prime time. I hope Sony takes not of this and adjust their cloud plans accordingly. Most gamers can't get Onlive to work as advertised and it will be many, many more years (if ever, thanks to bandwidth caps) before this becomes viable.
Army of Two is one of the worst series of games this generation. Who are the people paying for this garbage?