The real question should be:
The real question should be:
Don't forget Hammerlock! Nice Tecmo Wrestling vibe to it.
Why is Nolan North in every video game? I'm sure he is a nice fellow, but his voice is that of too many characters. He ruined Spec Ops because all I saw was Nathan Drake every time he talked.
The art is awful. I'd pay for the game not to get made.
What did you expect them to do when AMC slashed their budget and got rid of the people behind the scenes that made the series good? They are stretching one season into two to try to cash in. Sad.
Killer App.
Someone get that hooker off the playground. My kids would like to play without the threat of a STD. Thanks.
A little inside information for everyone: the Ouya is and was fully funded for launch well before this Kickstarter campaign. This is a marketing campaign that gets people talking about the product and gets a few thousand units out the door at cost while creating a buzz. As you can see this has worked brilliantly…
Discussion now closed.
I miss Howard Lincoln. He makes Reggie look like a lost little girl!
All these logos are better than the current logos. ESPECIALLY APPLE!
I'm officially waiting for the 3DXXL DUO PAD PRO
I hope there is a custom Fallout 4 XBOX 1080. I'll buy two of them...seriously.
It is nowhere near 10 million and will absolutely not get anywhere near that number by the end of the year. It is getting destroyed each and every week by the 3DS and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.
That is nearly 5 million more systems sold than the PS Vita. Great work Nintendo!
An easy solution would be for these girls to hit the gym and stop super-sizing us into a health care oblivion.
As a victim of rape myself I find all of these hilarious and feel that comedy shouldn't ever be censored for any reason.
Wow. They have really sold me on this game. I am now a day 1 customer!
Everyone should just make games for the SteamBox.