
I feel bad for them because most of the hardcore fans already bought the EU edition. Nintendo of America misjudges sales because half of the EU sales are to people in North America. I've picked up Xenoblade, Last Story, and Fatal Frame 2 all before the NA release.

I wish she would talk about how she loves Sony, PS3, and the PS Vita. Let's see just how powerful she is!

Exactly right. I'm glad someone else on here has some common sense. This new comment system has ensured that all sorts of misinformation makes it to the featured comment.

If Steam would ever get on with their summer sale I'd buy Arma 2 and see what the fuss is about. Any news on if the sale is even happening this year? If not, I'll wait until the Fall sale or an announcement of a standalone version.

The Parker books are excellent. I encourage everyone to give one of the books a shot. You will not be disappointed.

Anyone lucky enough to have a copy of Walking Dead # 1?

It sucks that the Shockwave tank doesn't transform. That is keeping me from picking it up.

MoH is the RC Cola in the battle between Coke and Pepsi.

Why is Max Payne the bad guy in Black Ops? I know the game wasn't very good, but still...

Why are they even investing in MoH? With the game's budget I would think that they probably broke even last time. I haven't met anyone that was clamoring for another one. It is off my radar for sure. There are too many good games coming out to waste my money on another one of EA's attempts to dethrone CoD.

Obviously this article is without merit since GastricTapestry is still available. I'm thinking about paying the 800 points to make it so.

The PSP is so much better than the Vita! I love it!

They should have played it safe and had the invading force be Guam.

This is my controller. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My controller is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I master my life. My controller, without me, is useless. Without my controller, I am useless. I must fire my controller true. I must shoot straighter than any enemy who is trying to

The problem is the it doesn't play like 1, 2, and 3 :)

Walking Dead is GOTY 2012 and I've only played 2/5 of the game. The best story of any game this year and IMO worth more than the $25 asking price.

XBOX 1080 is the best.

A man's butt man? I'll be refreshing waiting for the answer.

I know I have buyer's remorse. I don't think I'll ever Day 1 a handheld ever again from any company.

F2P coming soon. I'm so glad I didn't buy this game.