Ok, so he raped her for however many years it took for her to reach legal age wherever they were, after which they continued with their unhealthy sexual relationship.
Ok, so he raped her for however many years it took for her to reach legal age wherever they were, after which they continued with their unhealthy sexual relationship.
John Lennon beat not only his first wife, but assaulted a pregnant Yoko Ono to the point that she miscarried. Jimmy Page had a sexual relationship with a 14-year old girl, after which he basically held her hostage for a period of years so he wouldn't be held accountable. ..Yep.
Bob Dylan, Rick James, James Brown, Elvis Costello, Michael Jace..
The other thing is with a show or a movie, SO MANY people's work went into it, not just the one terrible person.
Cheers. Keep on hoopin'!
I think NBC reached out to Mushmouth, who had "Nobuh Cubobbent."
The way Don Lemon saunters about, with his victim-blaming and race-baiting questions, all by himself, late at night - it's almost like he's asking to get fired.
Pretty sure that guy's used to disappointing after a couple seconds of 'scrutiny.'
I know, right? It just reminds me of the horrible double standard we have to live with, where men's penises are just tossed around 'willy-nilly' like so much biohazardous waste, yet women who report being the victim of rape have every possible criminal lead doggedly pursued for 7 years, with Sheriffs hunting…
Hey - I drunkenly made this image years ago, for absolutely no reason, but I guess I must've been precog'ing this very news story..
Didn't the term 'muffin top' win out in that debate?
If there isn't a electronic smoking device named "Vapin' 2: Electric Boogaloo," I've lost faith in stoner culture.
There is a precedence to this though. Bill Gates wound up making his fortune when someone noticed his firebreathing act when he used to open gratis for REO Speedwagon, and Warren Buffet got his start working for free as a ring girl in backyard wrestling tournaments that were frequented by Wall Street talent scouts.
I'm not sure if you're trying to disprove that statement with that picture, but considering that majority of the controversy surrounding that shirt stemmed from what the goddam cartoon women were wearing, I'd say, yeah, women tend to bear the brunt of the criticism.
Pssht.. Sherlock wore that same stupid hat and trenchcoat every single day and no one ever said shit.
Unless that was the cheapest suit imaginable, it had to have been dry clean only. In other words:
Eh, around here it's more venison steaks and Islay scotch, but thanks! Cheers.
Heh. It's like arguing with a 1950s sitcom stereotype. Enjoy your increasingly rapid decent into irrelevance and poorly attended funeral.
Really? Nazis? What did you study in law school, Godwin's? And as admirable and inspiring as your "We have to keep fraternities around so we can keep tabs on the rapists and assholes" argument is, it's fallacious. We could just get rid of the rapists and assholes.
A bunch of assholes join an organization. A bunch of regular guys join an organization that turns them into assholes. Either way, the result is an organization full of assholes. Any other etymological gymnastics you want to engage in there, toots?