
Unfortunately, I don't think the Health Department is going to be too concerned when rumor hits them that Aunt Mary's potato salad was just store bought with a few chopped onions thrown on top, and not homemade like she was saying.

As someone who loathes real world human interaction, and dreams of the day I can retire in a well-furnished cave far away from civilization, I empathize with these neighbors. But, the flipside of moving to a rural location because you want to do what you want without being bothered is that any neighbors you have had

Yeah, I'm in the Twin Cities, which is experiencing a similar boom, and the resultant problems. I mean, I just wanna drink good beer, I don't need purchasing it to turn into a twisted competition.

Gah! That's horrible. Hopefully the bubble doesn't burst, but at least subsides to sustainable levels eventually. I mean, the beers good and all, but not "waste-half-my-day" good.

Taking an active interest in the safety of strangers is one thing. Actively seeking out the authorities to scour your neighbor's property looking for bureaucratic violations of restroom accessibility laws because you're mad you had to hear "Brown-Eyed Girl" playing too loud one night, would indeed fall under the

Jesus, are the waits that bad now? Haven't been to Vermont since last fall, but things were at least somewhat sane then. Heady Topper wasn't impossible to find, Farmstead was only a 45 minute wait or so. I'm glad there's been an influx of revenue to the state, but a lot of the people buying beer there just seem to

What about having open discussion with your neighbors to see if any sort of compromise can be reached, as opposed to, you know, tattling on them?

Well, on the one side of the farm is a large monastery, so I imagine those guys have a duty to not get too pissed off about it. But Alchemist did just shut down sales from their brewery because of traffic issues and neighbor complaints.

[Editor's Note - "Pouring One Out" is not an effective method of birth control.]

"Hmm.. the special of the day is a B.L.T., you say? That sounds pretty good. Reminds me, my father always used to make a B.L.T. sandwich for lunch. I can still picture him standing over the sink in the kitchen eating one. If my father is somehow the one in the kitchen cooking these sandwiches YOU TELL THAT SON OF

If I ever need to spit on myself on cue, this comment will serve me well.

I wouldn't mind a burger with blue cheese on it, but I have no idea how much to put on there. PLEASE, DO IT FOR ME, WHY CAN'T YOU JUST PUT ON THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF BLUE CHEESE THAT I LIKE ON MY BURGER OH GOD I DON'T KNOW HOW TO LIVE IN THIS WORLD!!

My go-to fly disposal system is Ralph Macchio..

I think its high time we start defending our opinions with the only true measure of worth - "How many recommendation stars did it receive?"

Potato Chips. Not Even Once.

I'm pretty sure I didn't get this because unbeknownst to me, I don't really have a sense of humor.

That's funny, I always refer to "making love" as "grinding gears."

Ugh. What a well-reasoned and fully-articulated response which unequivocally encapsulates every aspect of this multifaceted intellectual debate. Now I truly see the error of my ways.