
Eh, I'm not on Facebook anyway, as a precautionary measure against this very shit. And I was singling out boys simply because they tend to be the worst offenders, but in reality I wouldn't mind if there was just a blanket moratorium on things posted to the internet by anyone, and they were all peer-reviewed and

This totally reminds me of the time my autistic uncle and the other two dudes he worked with at his start-up Commodore-64 knock-off programming company took too many mushrooms while watching Prince Charles and Diana's wedding simulcast live on CBS and then crashed my 1st birthday party.

You do that, you patriarchal, mansplaining, regressive troglodyte penile oppressor. Down with all men and etcetera and so on!

I think we're both in agreement that referring to "rape" has entered the common parlance as shorthand for "mistreated" (i.e. "Transformers raped my childhood," "the mechanic is raping me," etc.) I acknowledge this, and would go even further by saying that its so engrained in society that in a lot of cases, we don't

I see.. so basically you're saying that all he was doing was using the implicit threat of anal rape as a metaphor for putting a woman in her place. Wonderful.

Yeah, I imagine a spotless track record could get you greenlit for general posting privileges.. #NotAll12-30YearOldMen.

"Your needs are the things you need to have." Yeah, the whole thing reads, not even like a translation from English to Japanese back to English, but from English to more simple English and then edited down from there. Apparently, once they saw the "necklace" translation they recalled all the books and destroyed

I don't know if I feel comfortable with Hello Kitty anymore. I've always found it slightly sinister, but considering definition of "necklace" from a British Hello Kitty Dictionary, I think I was right to be scared...

Look, I'm all for freedom of speech, and I think the free exchange of ideas facilitated by the internet has been a boon for humanity... but I would give anything for an app that filtered everything ever posted on the internet by a boy between the ages of 12, and, let's say, 30. Maybe there could be a vetting process,

tl;dr - "Hi, what can I help *vomits* you with today? *vomits* *vomits* *fired*"

I would never be so gauche as to spill boxed wine secrets. And I think some vineyards are seeing the demand, and I've actually had quite good boxed wines. Plus, you can remove the bag and duct tape it to your body if you have need to get some drinking done in public. The scotch world is mostly boring old men with

I think the more you are subjected to the ramblings of libertarians, the more you will realize that they only wish to apply their libertarian principles to everyone but themselves.

Yeah, my cap for wine is probably around $30. Above that, its all just variations on a theme to me. The higher-end wines that I've had have all been great, but nothing that would make me stop and get my credit card out right there. I tend to stick to bourbons and scotches anyway, where the price point makes a bit

Gah! Fuck that. I've always been slightly creeped out by the whole Disney thing anyway. But I now have a 3 year old daughter, so princesses are slowly seeping into my life. Hopefully I can avoid any mouse-related vacations for awhile though.

Man, Disneyland must be strict. I remember going through Ronald Reagan airport with a spiked belt, studded pants and jacket and bracelet and not even setting off the metal detector. I just walked through and they told me to have a nice flight. Pre-9/11 flying was fucking amazing.

In all my travels, from well-under the poverty line to hovering slightly above it, the only tangible difference between low-class and high-class consumables that is actually worth paying for is liquor. Once I became well-off enough to drink booze that wasn't bottom shelf you realize, "oh, that cheap shit is

They're just regular-ass bottles of nail polish with the same spikes all us punk kids used to buy at the leather store and make bracelets out of. Here's a place online selling them in bulk. I just saved you $46.50.

Ahh, yes... trotting out a handful of articles by POC who share your viewpoint - the "I totally have black friends" argument of academia. I'm not sure what your endgame is here... the link I provided shows a plethora of studies from around the globe, and the incidence rate of street harassment is pretty much

Normally, I would link all of these reports separately in order to make a hyperbolic point, but I'm not sure you'd follow through on any of them anyway. The only cultural factor at play here is that there are assholes in every single culture who feel it's their right to harass women. I didn't address any of your