
I would love it if more women started negotiating salaries by saying, "Look, I know that on average I'm only going to earn .77 cents on the dollar compared to the men here, and I'm totally fine with that.. but how about we just round that up to the nearest dollar."

.77 : 1.

If you think $5 is the going rate for babysitting these days you obviously do not have children.

That's why I finally got a licensed permit for my work-related ant-circumcision knife.

Yeah, this seemed like a pretty deliberate provocation to me. Like, "oh, you wanted to hear more black voices on Saturday Night Live? How about this one?" Unfortunately, I think what most people were secretly hoping for during the "SNL diversity debate" were just more black faces. Telling safe white jokes. A way

Yeah. Guess we'll have to wait until Lorde is a fully legal 18 before Jez shells out $10,000 for shadily sourced pictures of her.

I think it's also important to note that, as far as my research has turned up, this would mark the first time a non-horse has won the Derby. Well, godspeed to her, and I hope she can run fast.

Been done: "Ana Mendieta's first use of blood to make art dates from 1972, when she performed Untitled (Death of a Chicken), for which she stood naked in front of a white wall holding a freshly decapitated chicken by its feet as its blood spattered her naked body."

Sorry, but I don't think the proper response to the problem of sexual violence against women is to retreat to cloistered women-only campuses. The issue needs to be confronted and changed so women can actively and safely engage with their community, not just sequester themselves in artificial "safe spaces."

I really don't think this is a case of Asian men appropriating the white patriarchy as much as it is them importing their own. Really, on a worldwide scale, there's more than enough multicultural patriarchy to go 'round.

At no point in your answer should you draw a graph "3 units tall". At no point in your answer will there be a "3x3 grid". It is this sort of attention to specific details that these test are meant to instill in you. Its to make you better prepared for the adult world. Arguing with me wont make you right.

If you get this upset over misunderstanding simple directions and drawing a 3x3 grid when a 2x3 grid has already been provided for you, how are you ever going to handle the stresses of 4th grade?

"In the model below, each box represents one student in the group." 6 students = 6 boxes. Not a 3x3 grid. Congratulations. You've now been sent to the school psychiatrist for your anger issues and inability to follow directions. Have fun repeating the 3rd grade.

If you drew a graph 3 units tall to answer that question, it would be marked wrong. The question asks for the corresponding letters of each book to be placed in a 2x3 grid, one letter per square. But way to get a 3rd graders math question wrong. You stupid fuck.