
It’s because you’re watching 2 1/2 Men! Extreme mediocrity is a known inducer of insomnia.

This time could really be better used for sleeping and avoiding jet lag.

I can talk about the phenomenon without talking about them as individuals. This reality show celebrity culture really got underway around 20 years ago, and I’m old enough to remember being baffled and weirded out by it when it started. And dismayed when my growing kid became fascinated by iterations of It rich reality

There was that time, way back, when many media outlets actually stopped reporting on Paris Hilton for a while because everyone was so sick of writing/reading about her. It was such a relief. But even she wasn’t the $$ behemoth that the Kardashians are.

Re: Rich celebrities on TV.

I’m so sorry for your loss! This is awful.

To be avoided.

Only up to the stupid door scene. Blech.

I really dislike that movie. Disliked it when it came out, dislike it now. To dignify it with hate would be doing it too much of an honor.
Only good part was when the damn boat sank.
“Insipid romance, boat sinks, ugh.”

We’ve already seen her future.

I agree. Consistency is key with these things.

I amended my comment above - Wand Erection members should be archived together.

I am only here to quibble over the tag of One Erection.

The correct and time tested tag for the group on Jezebel has been and always will be Wand Erection, even if you are only talking about a single member (ha!) of the group

You’re welcome.

Narcissistic rich person with no actual talent other than self-promotion is angry that accomplished professional half her age is accomplished, half her age, and has had the temerity to question rich person’s vapidity?

Now playing

If you’ve seen Nicole Kidman eat all manner of insects, the tarantula capture will come as absolutely no surprise.
What, you haven’t seen Nicole Kidman eat insects?

When you see an adult child cutting a parent out of their lives, it often says so much about the toxicity level of the parent. It’s awful and hard to cut out a toxic parent from your life, or even to set some solid boundaries! In this case, Thomas Markle is backing up any suspected parental toxicity with regular proof

“He didn’t need the spot so why say anything?”

Also, EU countries don’t have a systemic, for-profit judicial system that allows swathes of society (particularly of minorities) to be charged with minor crimes, incarcerated when they can’t meet bail, jailed for misdemeanors, and then denied education and advancement because they have criminal records.

“This is how fancy people have dinners are you kidding me??”