
The Hyundai seats have a flaw that is well documented on Hyundai forums you should be aware of. This was not a problem prior to about 2011 as my older Sonata was fine. The seat tracks have issues where you can feel the seat move when you accelerate. They will fix it exactly once under warranty and then you are good

That’s because no BMW owners use... ahh, I get it. Good one!

I almost bought masks with these so glad I ended up with just a regular N95 instead. I wasn’t really thinking about it at the time but it makes sense now.

What I really want is the Santa Fe with the 2.5T and wet clutch 8-N/DCT. That would be the replacement vehicle I need! 

I think you might have a good point. I looked into getting a Hyundai Tucson a couple years back but one of the biggest complaints was it’s dual clutch transmission. In the end I decided I needed slightly more room than it had but I actually loved the turbo in that thing with the dual clutch. Now they had to take that

I have been following the articles about the scientist tracking this out. He is now going as far back as September with RNA. Obviously as I stated before I still agree with the article, I just find it interesting that we had a nasty pneumonia going around starting roughly late October early November.

I agree with all that you say and I agree the likelihood of what I am about to say is low. But these are 2 things I find interesting enough to mention:

If nothing else, this goes to show that there has never been a good reason for any ventilator to ever cost $30,000.00 other than our stupid healthcare “business” in the US.

I have never had to haul that much concrete so it was fascinating and stuff but not relevant to me personally...

Since we cannot get any N95 masks ourselves my wife and I are planning on making our own. Better than nothing, except we are in some luck - We both have Airtamers - Negative Ion emitters that we wear around our necks. I do wish more studies about those were out there but again, better than nothing and we are wearing

I wondered this too. I am no expert so believe what you want, but CNN had a story about this and it said that since this is a respiratory virus you could actually eat it and it would harmlessly pass through your GI tract without infecting you. Whereas if you were to inhale it off of the same food then yeah, you could

So my wife and I had the absolute worst timing ever. I started a new job March 16th. We had also scheduled a kitchen and living room renovation with a local contractor which started March 17th. The same week, at least where I live, that everything was on soft lockdown. So to recap, a new job, a reno and a global

Missing from this list, but what I do, is Wear my Airtamer personal air purifier. Not as scary looking as a mask but uses negative ions to kill viruses within 3 feet around your head. I wear it everywhere now. If you can find them in stock, get yourself one!

I was 17, about to turn 18, in ‘91 when the Gulf War started. Being that I had just had to register for selective service and there was all kinds of talk (stupid rumors) about them reinstating the draft I was kind of concerned. However there is one advantage to being fat - they would not have taken me!

Why drive for Lyft or Uber to get in on this action? Seems like all of us should be able to opt in and sell ad space on top of our vehicles.

So my wife asked for a kitchen remodel to the tune of about 12K... I wonder if I can get away with a 60K “mid life crisis” or not?

I have read Jalopnik a long time but never considered myself an actual Jalop like many here. But does the fact that I love this and want this now at least get my foot in the door?

That Blazer face looks like a rapper with his grillz in. I like it!

Remember when Tesla touted that upcoming feature? Not holding my breath for that one.

I hope they’ll offer up a service that brings the produce department to you as that would be great to get fresh produce on demand any time you need it without having to leave the house.