
“Don’t buy a Trump-branded condo.”

Economic immigrants fleeing shitholes who see the American shithole as a step up make perfect immigrants. They hustle. They appreciate the good in America that has yet to erode away. And they often love America far more than native born. Plus they tend to bring some bitchin’ food.

They’re for the sex parties Elon Musk doesn’t know he’s attending.

“He suggested, in an obvious reminder of his racism, that the United States should attract people from Norway, instead.”

When asked by Dutch reporters to address his comments at Wednesday’s press conference, Hoekstra—a former Republican congressman from Michigan—stood tight-lipped, while the Danish media grew more and more frustrated.

If anyone’s looking for signs that the Trump administration has come completely unraveled, this interview is a pretty strong indication that it has.

Damn, you’re right. His tweets and “speeches” have reeked of desperation from the beginning.

Interviewer: “Impressive resume John. Can you explain this gap in employment from January 20 2017 to present?”

Is there a transcript somewhere for the video? Because I’m sure as shit not listening to it

Anyone else getting exhausted by this administration?

The Vegas police NEVER caught the shooter. He killed himself.

Honestly, if this farce of a presidency was the fictional comedy it should be, Conway would be my favorite character. She’s such a piece of shit, and she does everything with this gleeful three-sheets-to-the-wind attitude, like her lunch was a half bottle of Riesling and a handful of xanax. She doesn’t give a fuck,

They’re a liability only because liberals always jump the bait whenever a conservative dangles these false equivalencies in front of them. This is basic armament whenever arguing with these types:

“Trust him like a brother.”
“Making forts under covers.”
“Call it what you want.”

Little know fact, back in the 1960s and 70s, men actually had tiny turkey brains so any time they showered there was always a risk that they would look up at the showerhead and open their mouths, thereby drowning in the process. Because women were too smart to do this, it was actually imperative they every man had a

Come on, who better to bring peace to the Middle East than a real estate agent!

As former First Lady Laura Bush once said, stereotypes come from somewhere. (Can’t believe that comment didn’t get more attention!) In any event, one of the stereotypes of Russians is that they are racist. Typically they focus on denigrating people from the Caucauses, but when they leave Russia, they freely pick on