
At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if Mueller had Punisher-style computer countdown that sends all the evidence to the press if he doesn’t enter the passcode every 45 minutes.

If history is any indication, a bankruptcy and a divorce.

Without a doubt. The media is desperate for this “return to normalcy” narrative so they can cover this administration as they would have covered any administration in modern American politics. They seem to be running on the assumption that the political gravity will eventually force Trump into a position of relatively

His ramble Wednesday about guns and due process with “It takes so long to go to court, so maybe do due process later because the courts move so slowly...” and it became clear that his only understanding of “the courts” is yelling at his corporate lawyers to sue somebody, and then being told “The courts move very

Today’s Code 45* is a word for all seasons. It’s the Swiss Army knife of (barely) coded messages. If he would just decide that, from this day forward, no word other than this one will ever be followed by an exclamation point, we’d have it made. We could put the C45* machine on autopilot and go to sleep - safe in the

“My daughter, Ivanka, just arrived in South Korea. We cannot have a better, or smarter, person representing our country.”

Technically, he’s not saying there are no better, smarter people who could do the job, he’s just saying we can not have one of them, because he won’t let us.

Leave the ravens alone! The adorable Merlina is looking very well, as usual!

Today’s Code 45* is here to help those of us wondering how the sum total of the response to the Parkland massacre is 1) the weak-ass possible regulation of bump stocks, and 2) the vicious, sickening attacks on the teenage survivors of the latest mass school shooting. How could this have happened, you ask? The bloated

Federalism, as a term, refers to a sharing of power at multiple levels. Prior to the ratification debate over the Constitution, almost everyone understood a “federal” system to be where a number of truly independent sovereign states would have an agreement to a centralized government for very limited purposes, like

Now playing

This fucking guy. He’s got those lawyers shitting Twinkies, all right. No way they’re gonna let him go unscripted. Today when he went unscripted he called non-applauding Democrats “like death” and “treasonous”. Who knows what he’d end up blurting in front of Mueller. But the optics of him pussing put after bragging

That’s generous of you, but honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that mistake from a non-native speaker. They had to consciously learn that “should have” contracts down to “should’ve,” whereas “should of” is the result of someone writing a phrase they’re used to hearing.

While all of this is going on just out of sight, polling out late last month found three times as many Democrats as Republicans have “a great deal” of trust in the FBI. This is staggering, and it’s owed in no small part to the public relations boost the agency has enjoyed as Comey emerges as a supposed voice of reason

Fuck, I can’t decide if 2 WHOLE DAYS of this imbecile being off of Twitter is a glorious respite OR something extremely worrisome. I cannot even savor a simple moment of relative quiet from this shit filled tire fire without creeping paranoia settling in. 

Donald Trump gave a speech at Davos trumpeting his whole “America first!!!” shtick, then pivoted to yet another excoriation of the “fake news media,” the latter of which was met with boos and hisses from the crowd. Buddy, read a fucking room.

I think you guys might want to look at who tweeted this

THANK YOU! They all do. Whole administration! This could seriously be an entire season of Supernatural where different types of demons relating to different sins take over people and the more evil the demon, the worse the host is transformed!

“Hello woman, I’d like to be you./Not because I don’t enjoy my own man/ Body, my man strength, my man looks, / My man mind, but because I love yours/Even more.”

After that whole eclipse thing, I don’t think we’re sure of anything

Former journalist here. Wolff is a snake. I don’t mean this as a criticism. More as an obvious fact. It’s a known thing for anyone who has done a modicum of background on the guy. Even if half the stuff in the book is fabricated, that they let him within 10,000 miles of the White House, let alone free range access