
I think everyone should absolutely upfront ask for this information if they want it. Because it will tell their date that they’re batshit insane. And if the date answers enthusiastically it means they’re equally insane and the chart might not be needed because they’re super compatible.

Hi, former Air Force guy here. A flight is a unit of measurement the Air Force uses to essentially separate units of leadership/management. Basically from the bottom up, it’s Flight, Squadron, Group, Wing, the Wing level normally being the one that is in charge of the base. So yeah, people are, not smart sometimes.   

it’s a “rafter” of turkeys, unlike the “raft” of ducks (on dry land):)

Disagree. I prefer Tucson.

“No your pets don’t need eclipse glasses, they are too smart to look at the Sun.” Says it all. 

I saw this image on Facebook and genuinely thought it was a joke. Some press photo from the past few months and...

One of my favorite passages from Daniel Nexon’s absolutely classic must-read scholarly review of Gorka’s PhD “dissertation” (Nexon is a prof at Georgetown and has a real doctoral degree):

The funny thing is that he’s not wrong...he says things in a shitty way but I have met a lot of women from onine sites and the reality is that a headshot pretty much always means a lady who isn’t comfy showing her figure...I am not judging (I am not thin) but that’s the norm...

Direct eye contact is unacceptable even between friends. Touch is acceptable between friends and family. There is no touching between strangers.

the rule is that you conscientiously educate yourself by asking an actual L(/l/w)ibertarian which standard of capitalization pisses them off the most, and then proceed to use that one.

August 24, 1855: Letter to Joshua F. Speed

So I saw this on the TV at the gym today and the closed captioning literally read:
Anthony -scare emoji-


not a chance. he will not ever publicly acknowledge that he’s anything other than perfectly healthy, and the GOP would literally lock him away in the East Wing and have Pence do the public appearances before allowing any evidence that he may have been unfit at any point. this is also man who threatened to sue a random

I LOVE LENA DUNHAM. There, I said it.

Reince Preibus, Chief of Staff, to his staff before the trip: “No need to book a hotel. The Germans sent a dispatch saying we would get a  reception and be staying at a large hostel in Hamburg. It’s very European.

Ah ha. So how do explain the Hutus vs the Tutsis and all that murderous intertribal crap that goes on in Africa. Or is that all the white man’s fault?

/rant on

Eating the placenta is so common in the wild because it gets rid of a source of scent that predators/scavengers will home in on, same as licking the baby and yourself clean, two things Ive never heard of even the most babycenter loving netmommy doing. But just like that elk that just gave birth in that meadow and her

Fun fact: Andrew Liveris’ last name spelled backwards is sirevil, or sir evil if you prefer.

I would like to issue an apology and full retraction of the earlier photograph. Upon further investigation it is, indeed, a photoshop.