
if it’s a text quote from another article, “caucuses” should probably be [sic]ed. i suspect what he said was Caucasus, i.e. the mountain range in eastern europe between georgia & azerbaijan on the south, and russia on the north.

This is the third comment in which I’ve seen you talk about projecting. You have a projecting thing. You are projecting all this projecting.

Not to demon-shame or anything, yet doesn’t she TOTALLY look like a character from Supernatural?

The Nick Cave quote from the article! He’s always been my favorite but sometimes the love just swells up. So sorry for every woman in the industry who had to deal with assholes like RHCP.

I have been on morphine for 10 years due to a chronic pain issue. I have been taking the same dose for the last 5 years. I never, ever take so much that I stumble around or sit in bed rubbing my nose or the shit that is associated with opiate addiction.

And yet they never taught us how to fold them. #thestrugglewasreal

The writers haven’t made any sense starting with the second season. Their attitude of, “Let’s take everything that was amazing in season one, trash it and start over from scratch,” confuses me completely.

Since there weren’t a LOT, doesn’t that mean that the few there were should have been easy for him to recall and remember?

It really does! I can laugh about it, but it was so awkward. The first time it happened I texted my friend and said something like, “I just met this weirdo and he just handed me an apple for some reason.”

I too remember those hearings. I was a college student, not yet alcohol-legal, but had been mercilessly harassed at every job I had ever worked up to that point. I had been asked in an interview about my feelings on premarital sex; I had my body discussed by my boss and his client - in front of me as if I wasn’t

Now playing

It seemed a logical progression, given his history.

Ornithologist here! The folks saying this is a female House Finch are spot-on. Here’s a zoomed-in photo of the bird:

Charismatic, no. Talented, no. Unique, almost certainly.

I have two major takeaways from this:

The last panel in this meme just goes to show the importance of commas.

1 Peter 3:3 is often translated/interpreted to explicitly forbid elaborate braids (among other external adornments) in Christian women as it’s a sign of wealth/vanity. And as a woman with waist-length hair who worked in agriculture for years...there are way easier and more practical hairstyles than that kind of

I’ve got nine for sure so far: hair, eye, earring, hand, bikini strap/necklace (I’m guessing those just count as one), belly button, leg, purse, and horizon. I think maybe the toenails are missing from some of her toes as a tenth thing, but it’s hard to tell for sure.

I am going to pay for this wall you want built.