
I was dating a guy. The first time i went to his apartment, he offered me a bottle of water. He opened this immaculate, perfectly organized fridge: Labels forward, rows like a military cemetery. It was some serious Sleeping With the Enemy looking shit. When he left the room, I checked the pantry. Same thing. It was

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This effin’ “cover” is what 100% turned me off her. The song from that effin’ movie had me on edge and this just sent me over it. Of course, Supernatural came along and my 2nd favorite rogue angel did this -

“He knows when you’ve been sleeping. He knows when you’re awake.”

Ben Carson is the ultimate test for Santa.

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Kris Kristofferson wrote a beautiful and very relevant song about Sinead.

Nah, I just figured it out - the “Date Night Pack” is both for you alone *and* for your later hookup. In anticipatory pre-date horny frenzy, you hit the Red Bull and Hershey bar for energy - then chew, like, ALL 18 pieces of the gum at once to mask that shit. Then, when your date arrives, you whip out the B&J’s and

Yay, more Fiorina! Forget Trump; she’s the Herman Cain of this election cycle. I am so excited for more of the Carly Fiorina Batshit Experience.

It wasn’t enough to be wrong about everything on Earth, so Ted Cruz dragged the Federation into it.

Murder cannot, by definition, be done in defence. So either we’re talking about murder or we aren’t.

Oh, yeah. If the matriarch of this theoretical family had made robocalls on behalf of advancing any kind of equality for any part of the LGBQT* community, the right-wing evangelicals would declare they have proof at last that all queers and their allies are kiddie-diddlers, and that’s just the part without all the

Paradise Lost is Milton’s In Cold Blood.

Every time I read about these guys I feel like Milton: in the Devil’s party and I didn’t even know it.

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Anyone else think this song sounds an awful lot like Halo?

He’s not orally exploring the world. Oral exploration is behaviour exhibited by babies and toddlers utilizing the high number of nerve endings in the mouth and tongue to gather information about the objects around them. He found what he thought was a toy and tried to play with it in the manner that said toy is meant

Nah, I am totally with you on this. It’s pretty fucked up that we feel entitled to know every detail about celebrities, most importantly the bad stuff. The internet is out for blood and we demand every shitty detail, even things people have no control over whatsoever. People are still mad at Cumberbatch. I think at

I just saw this exact post on Instagram and shook my head. How many girls do you think got this tattooed without first checking what it really meant? It reminds me of my friend (a veteran) who got a tattoo while stationed in Afghanistan. He was told it was Arabic for “strength.” it says “asshole.” its okay though. He

Except they don’t view them as actual people, or as parents. They are mindless ‘thugs’ and not worthy of being considered people. They are ‘other’ and therefore not worthy. It’s fucking sad and reminds me of this article: