
people who survive Ebola have antibodies that help peop'e who have Ebola. This is how the nurse recovered, btw.

Miss Manners used to say that an Englishman's umbrella was like his title. He has both, and he's proud of their age and distinction, but he wouldn't dream of using either.

Nicole Richie looks less like a dalmatian and more like Cruella DeVil in a dalmatian coat. Still cute though.

There is an interview he did with Nick Cave and it's really weird. Weird No.1: he interviews Cave about the way he wrote about Lavigne in his novel and it gets really sexual creepy and Weird No.2: Cave makes the mistake to be all guilty pleasure about liking Lavigne as an artist which had Gomeshi be all freaked out

I've seen you around on the Gawker sites (not being weird, just observing). Have you considered writing? You usually have some very salient and insightful points.

So this really surreal story comes from a combination of having a great memory and a lot of lucid dreams. Several years ago, I had a dream where I was walking down a generic town block and I got this crazy sense of deja vu. I realize that I've seen this block before, in a dream I had when I was 12. I look to my

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Reba's greatest performance, though, was her Academy Award worthy turn in Tremors.

I'm often iffy about not having controversial figures speaking at a university (I rather liked the talk I heard from Karl Rove, even if I disagreed with every minute) just to keep bad ideas out. However, when you have the chance to spend finite resources to have heterodox thinkers at your school, you don't go for

This is a blatant ripoff of Rush Limbaugh's ritual before taking a shit.

fat free sour cream tastes like sad. like you take a bite and you're just like ....oh :/ ok.

Is this going to become a weekly thing? Because it is the greatest and I would like to hear more rulings from the Honorable Judge Kara Brown.

Don't be fooled. Don't be fooled into thinking that she believes that the removal of embryos is as bad as killing a human being. What she really means is that the killing of Jews is as serious as killing a 5-week embryo. TRUST me. That's how much she cares about the killing of Jews, Roma and gay people. Very little.

My niece's wedding.... it was pure insanity from the trip there, to the trip home, but here are the highlights.

My nephew hit me in the face with a croquet ball about 8 years ago and I got an impressive shiner. Everyone at the rehearsal dinner knew what had happened so it only kind of sucked that I had a black eye at the wedding the next day. Two days later I was apprehensive about "what people would think" as my mom and I

and chris martin, i am assuming.

I have a couple of friends who live in Toronto so I've been following this political mess, sorta, through their Facebook. When my husband was working in Toronto though it was before the Rob Ford election, so it was uneventful politically.

Patton reminds me of Louis CK in that he can occasionally be tonedeaf and wrong but he is open to having that explained to him and every single time so far he has said "you're right, I was being an asshole there, my bad." I have enormous respect for those guys just by virtue of being willing and able to admit