
"Oh, thank you, darling. But I sold my watch to buy you this brush..."

I think they are rude because the are outerwear. When someone does not take their hat or coat off, I wonder, "Are you not staying for long? Do you have somewhere better to be? Am I not deserving of your time? Is this a chore for you?" Also, my personal love for hat wearing is because it gives me anonymity in public

The original article refers to Nino Dean as a he, so...

Ya know what's interesting about people's protest to your comment? Actually there are a few interesting things. First, this country has eminent domained the shit out of people's land. And when they ain't doing that, they are gentrifying the fuck outta more neighborhoods than should be allowed. It's like "Oh, noes! Not

Ran into Target last night to grab some food on the way home. And by food, I mean I box of Kraft Mac-n-cheese (yes, I eat like a toddler.)

cranberry juice (or soda) and gin looks festive and gets you where you're going.

I think they already made this movie.

I need some help and advice here please. I’m 49, widow, gotta have all my teeth out NOW. Don’t like discussing this but having shit teeth has held me back for so long. It’s like people look at my teeth and think,” well that’s a loser for ya”. It’s been so hard to even find a job cause of the fangs. I try to tell


I believe some men are too scared to ask women these questions because they know, deep down in the hairy masculine vault of their very being, that these are some profoundly stupid questions. They fear the women will look at them with a withering stare, sneer slightly and then tell their friends, "hey, you really need

Can we talk about how Nicholas Holt's tweet is my entire fear about time travel?

I'm not a party to this conversation at all but I have to give you big ups for not being an asshole about being wrong. Isn't it sad that people are so frequently assholes when they are caught out as being wrong that you feel like you should congratulate people who aren't'? Anyhow...good for you!!!

Well now I feel like a dumbass. Thanks for the info.

"[...]pop music has degenerated so much over the last 20 years that a stage that once offered an opportunity for political protest will now offer the opportunity for escalating a petty grievance. Be prepared."

20 years ago you were beautiful also has a nice touch of reminding her she aged.

Albert Burneko recommended your post

It's definitely a British thing, Elton John. We can all do it. Let me demonstrate: this is an example of a car crash about to happ-

Anyone else think Khloe might have changed her profile photo not as a "fuck you"but because it's just too painful to look at that photo every time she logs on to Twitter?

Come on. It happens to Louis CK and Carrot Top all of the time.