
Does anyone remember Halo markers? They were probably made of cancer, which is why the google isn't giving me any info on them, but they wrote silver with a halo (natch) of some color around (and below, because that shit bled through all paper). Those were my faaaaavorite things of all time, and I have never been

This reads like a way-too-long Shouts & Murmurs first draft.

obviously you have not read my book SOLVING PROBLEMS THE TRUE BLOOD WAY.

No, Wales is definitely part of Britain, regardless of whether Britain refers to the island or to the territory in the larger UK, as indicated by the fact that the country is properly known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island; Great Britain encompasses England, Scotland, and Wales. Whether most

Strangely enough, "While my guitar is wracked with heaving sobs," was the original draft of that song, which the prophet George wrote, in anticipation of this day. Praise ye.

Re: Bieber

Now playing

I've had a thing for this song and this myth since I got really into Diamanda Galas in college.

For people who haven't followed this and don't understand the controversy (or, in the alternative, think that "Redskin" isn't a slur, it was a different time, this is PC run amok, it was never intended in a bad way, etc. etc.) please read up on George Preston Marshall, who bought the team when they were known as the

Pro: Sookie's shirt depicts the first kiss between Cupid and Psyche. Psyche being the human woman who was cursed so that no human would ever love her. She ended up married to a god, and transformed into an immortal herself.

How is it that Julia Hough was in every frame, and only Octavia Spencer and Russell Brand stood out? I'd watch them together in anything.

Bipolar is such a rough, rough thing. I think of all the stupid shit that triggers mine and I can't imagine living it out on a national stage.

Ok. Abandoned items, paint peeling off walls, decay, fine, but who the fuck plugged in this creepy kettle to a power cord strung up to the ceiling? For some reason this freaks me out more than anything else in this gallery.

He is starting to look like the sixteenth chapel.

Oh really, Juror B37? What, pray tell, was Martin supposed to do when a strange (armed!) man started following him by vehicle and then on foot? If some guy is following me around and starting to intimidate me, you can bet I'll turn around with my fists up.

I need a gif of my husband telling our girls, "Do you realize you are still talking? Out loud? Where we all can hear you?"

I think Brooks is an ass, but this isn't a completely uninteresting topic. Let's actually discuss this without his butt-headed arguments for a second. Keep in mind that I'm not "justifying" the boohoos here, but trying to understand it and discuss it.

Surely a concidence, but my instant response to *every* Justin Bieber headline these days actually rhymes with bucket.

This is more directed at the study than Laura's article, but wouldn't it be more effective to look at the median weight and clothing sizes rather than the average? It would seem that the extreme ends of the scale (both the really thin and really obese) would be skewing the results somewhat. I would be curious to see

My mom's cousin gave a daughter up for adoption - it was a very open adoption, she's my age and close with most of my family. We see her a few times a year, my mom's cousin's family and the adoptive family sometimes vacation together. It's like the ultimate arrangement most birth parents would want if they sought an