If 2020 turns out to be as bad for Senate Democrats as it’s shaping up to be, Schumer has got to be the first to go. Anything less would be a renewed commitment to failure.
If 2020 turns out to be as bad for Senate Democrats as it’s shaping up to be, Schumer has got to be the first to go. Anything less would be a renewed commitment to failure.
Centrist Democrats are a cancer on our political system, weighing down the governing body such that our political immune system can’t deal with the gangrenous Republican party.
Are you actually claiming that you need a different approach to administering health care to let’s say New York hipsters, as opposed to African Americans in Flint, Michigan?
It’s beyond that. It’s just parroting a gaslighting technique.
Because it highlights, above all else, that these people literally don’t care AT ALL for anyone.
You and I should form a movie consultant company. We’re naturals!
Holy crap, they really missed the boat on casting David Cross as Sonic.
if we don’t switch to a zero-emission economy fast we’re pretty much entirely fucked
The DNC is nearly as corrupted by the influence of corporate money as the RNC. The Hillary Clinton school of politics is very simple - scratch the corporate back while playing lip service to The People.
You know what I really hate? The absolutely blatant and vicious hypocrisy of conservatives.
I’m really sorry. I am not in general for the Death Penalty. I feel that it should be used only in the rarest cases where someone is so violent that it’s either a respectful end to their life, or solitary confinement until they go further insane and wither away, and in those cases I consider death to be the more…
Right? If someone told me that I had to pick a clever moment from the episode, I’d be forced to pick one that wasn’t even related to the battle. I thought the moment that Sansa and Tyrion had while hiding in the crypt was very sweet, and well placed.
Salient point. The actual fighting was largely so muddy, I didn’t pinpoint that myself. I thought the writers cared about that stupid sword, but that appears to be wrong.
Nah, you want to describe anyone in “these kinds of people” terms, expect to get a little fang. #notallmen will let you just act like that towards them just because you are a strong, confident woman, or whatever is going on here.
You must not be a writer if you think that it feels like slavery.
He did indeed have premonitions about Ned and Theon. Those are a far cry from actually visiting events as he would learn to do. The dreams of the Three Eyed Raven were because he was reaching out to Bran, calling him. And again, he only had a single vision, that of the sun low behind the weirwood tree that he lived…
I’m just not buying it. Firstly because seeing the future requires first adherence to a Solid State Universal model, and also it then requires complete committal to staying within the confines of that single line of sight.
“Shit,” I said, realizing I now had to knob-touch Donald Trump.
This is lazy writing!
Is he better than Trump?