
“They don’t seem to want to allow us to make billions in profit while giving nothing back to the municipality or the community. We will consider taking our business somewhere that the citizens support grift in their elected officials.”

Our governing bodies have really proven excellent at one thing - making sure that social services aren’t enough to let you feel like you’re living a decent life.

You know what I am sick to death of?

Surely the teleprompter was telling him to say “abolition of slavery”, and then “something something civil rights”, and his poor mush-brain accidentally a few words.

My reaction when I heard the next MCU installment would be Guardians of the Galaxy:

Damn, what 8 year olds does this guy, that understand how to “destroy someone psychologically”.

“I bought some dehydrated Aquaman, but I don’t know what to add to it.”

The green dream or whatever they call it, nobody knows what it is

I’m so embarrassed for you that you didn’t just go with:

Can we just build a wall, to keep these people from moving to other states?

“It was hard not to applaud on maybe two-thirds of that speech, if you are an American,”- Some dipfuck that doesn’t understand the irony of clapping for blatantly cynical lies, probably

Oh.  Oh.  So NOW the Republicans have people that understand how these rules work?

and, as always, #FuckFuck

...and the common good.


They’re mad at him for fleecing them.

I first sautéed diced bacon (about four strips)

This may in fact, by a slight margin, be the most disgusting sentiment they’ve issued around all of this thus far.

How jaded.

Isn’t it odd, that it is likely mostly conservative types who would decry this as unamerican, or whatever.