
This guy might be a little bit of a whack job, but Im pretty sure I remember reading his side of the story at the time...and even before the incident. I remember reading that he explicitly stating that he had informed the FAA and the White House about what he was going to do, and they didnt respond to him.

That doesnt

Flite Test, not Flight Test. You spelled the subject of your article wrong.


I did too, but it wasnt. Hopefully republican apple fanboys do him in.

What a fucking idiot. Who would have thought that declaring a boycott on Apple would be the beginningg of the downfall of Don. I would have guess it would be any one of the racist, Islamophobic, moronic remarks that he has made in the past...

That’s just swell!

This article was proofread “swell”.

Thanks, professor!

Im not really seeing it. Your conclusion might be a little bit of a stretch.

Maybe that double wall thing is included in most of them, but only visible in the clear ones.

From an engineering viewpoint, it looks like this double wall system would be the best - no sloshing...But what do I know about any of this...

Idiots. They are going to have to cut it in half to get it out of that room!

The greatest most magnificent paint job of them all!


Shouldnt there be some comment about how this product would never have been allowed during the days of Steve?

yea you are.

Meh, I get it, but I dont think it was done all that particularly well.

Except that they have to wear dorky helmets now.

I think $50/month is just the data component. Talk and text is a separate section of the bill for these plans. So these unlimited plans would be more like $80-100 per month now.

It is only a matter of time.

Ha, I was going to say the same thing, something about “What is this, the stoneage?”