
Still, I hope that I live longer than that.

At what point do we need to rise up and take back our government?

It is referred to as “Laszlo’s Pizza”. Google it, the post still exists. It was 10,000 bitcoins. Current value is $34,000,000.

It had to start somewhere.

As a kid, I would do this every time with our rottweilers. I’m actually about to go bathe my pitbull this way. It really is surprising how well they just stand still. It should be noted that I don’t turn the shower head on, I use a plastic cup and the faucet.

“So what? They’re Muslim.”

“It doesn’t get much worse than this for Trump.”

Gizmodo owes me 4 minutes.

“we’re the red obviously.”

“nobody knew not clicking on an article would be this hard.”

I have long thought that the best way to go would be to be walking down the street and have an anvil, or maybe a piano, dropped on you by accident - wiley-coyote-style. Like, some moving guys were trying putting one of the two into a 10th floor window of an apartment building, and the rope breaks. You wouldn’t even

As head of the oversight committee, you know the Trump “administration” did something terribly wrong and you need to get out now, before the whole thing implodes.

No legal protection? At least in theory, badges do not grant special privileges. If a police officer is obviously in-the-wrong, you should have legal protection. I am not 100% sure about that legally, but I am 100% sure morally.

“packet or cream cheese”

Your “cool little related fact”, as written by you, is actually not supported by science. Stick to your day job, whatever that may be.

too soon.

I have my own domain and run google email off of it. I have a catch-all email address associated with the domain so every single time I sign up for an account I use a new email address that matches the name of the name of the company I am signing up with. lifehacker@mydomain.com, as an example.

I have been using this

Google Sketchup. It’s free and all you need is a few pictures. It took some doing to get right on Shapeways, but it was worth it. I also made another family members house. At this size, they cost about 40 bucks.

Google Sketchup. It’s free and all you need is a few pictures. It took some doing to get right on Shapeways, but it

I 3d printed my parents house via Shapeways just a few weeks ago. My mom loved it!

I 3d printed my parents house via Shapeways just a few weeks ago. My mom loved it!

I am ready to call it:

These are possibly the internets first CGI celebrities. ...probably not the first.

That wasn’t my typo, that is how it was published by gizmodo.