
Battlebots.....ON THE MOON!!! The winner will be the team that has the foresight to attach a circular saw to the front of their rover!

Whoa, I just googled these nutjobs, thier compound is only 48 minutes from my house. Anyone want to go for a visit?

I did not enter the class action lawsuit. My problem is that the qualifications for the possible payment seem pretty steep. I didnt really say I had a problem.

I actually dont think LinkedIn “probably owes me” money, or many people, for that matter. Specifically number 3....I dont think I was injured by use of my name or name and picture in these emails.

I went to the redwood forest last year and picked up a tiny little green pinecone. It turned brown, dried out and spilled out hundreds of seeds. I put some in the fridge over the winter, and come summer, I planted them. A few sprouted, but only one survived. It is about a foot tall now and looks very healthy. I cant

I agree.
Every one of the Republican candidates are unelectible.
I lump Hilary into the unelectible group too. Im not a fan of Biden. And I only half-way agree with Bernie.

No, he absolutely did not correct Trump on that. I have to flat out completely disagree with you.

Holy fuck, I was already very disappointed with Dr. Carson’s unwillingness to correct Trump on the vaccine issue, but I am just now finding out that he does not believe in evolution!!!!!! WTF MATE!!!!!

exactly, he has to play nice...that is my point, that is why it was the biggest disappointment of the night for me.

There is no way I would vote for any of these candidates, but I have to say, this was the absolute biggest disappointment of the evening. Dr. Carson had the oppurtunity and DUTY to correct Donald Trump and refused to do so. He came across as a pushover saying “He’s [donald] an ok doctor”. Fuck that, set him straight

Im with you Wes, while you were not given the oppurtunity to talk, everyone else looked like emotional fools, especially that native african girl who didnt seem to have a clue.

I am not saying they are, or deserve to be, considered any type of real country/military/whatever. But I think your statement is opinion, and that it has nothing factual to back it up.

Yea, they made a claim a while back on one of their posts saying that they are doing a service by making animated gifs like that. Saying that it takes them a lot of time to produce. I dont buy it.

Yes, ISIS needs to be wiped out, but I agree, where are they going to draw the line?

Based on your statistic, that should be either “sixteen hundredths of one percent” or “a sixth of one percent.”

Thanks for fighting the good fight, Thewalkingdude. I sure dont have the energy to look into this balogny. Did I see correctly? Is The Walking Dead back tonight?

Rachel wont stop calling me too!!!!!!! I fucking hate her!

“Trying to mold an atrocious monstrosity into socially acceptable behaviors is repulsive...” yea, hacking, stealing, theft...it is an atrocity.

Where are you seeing information that these both happened at 7:42? From what I have read, United started at 7:50 and NYSE started at about 11:30.

That might be the PRIMARY reason, but that is where technological innovation comes in. - secondary ways of thinking about things, thinking outside the box, and tackling problems. I give it 5 years.