
I didnt mention Moore’s Law at all, but hey, whats that in your pocket? Probably a 12 megapixel camera. What was in your pocket 5 years ago? Maybe a vga camera. Did you ever think back then that such an amazing camera would be able to fit into your little flip phone at the time, given a few years? Come on, you really

It has also only been one day. Geez. gizmodo...

Not being a dick, but seriously, give it a few years, they will be 100 bucks and be the size of a thumb drive...perfect for quad copters.

I was officially the first person to pee in this pool.

I have always felt the same way! It seems very heliocentric to use such names as the “Extremely Large Telescope” and “Very Large Array”. It is so myopic of them. Almost as if they have never heard of Copernicus.

I think technically this is only the second attempted barge landing, not the third. During the second launch the seas were too rough so they brought the barge in and purposely landed the rocket in the ocean.

What is the difference between this and installing a security camera on a building? None.

I may or may not have downloaded my share of torrents in my day, but as a user of MEGA, I will say that I have NEVER stored, shared, or downloaded any illegal content through them. MEGA offers good security, good speed, and 50 MB for FREE! In my opinion MEGA is a great service and I, for one, am not using it for

As a kid, I remember being friends with a couple kids solely because they had jeep power wheels.

Im tired of hearing about all of these unconstitutional behaviors of the government and government employees. When are the people going to rise up and start a revolution? Seriously, just quoting TJ - "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." What is it going

I used to live on highway 93 in Montana!

Less than 24 hours after delivery.

what a scam the flower racket is!

Whats with the banana hammock?

I lived in Montana for a couple years, the internet sucked. But more than that, the ISP's took forever to update dns on domain names. I transferred hosting of one domain name that was registered through some podunk little ISP and they never updated the DNS when I changed the hosting.

But a new system has to start somewhere. Today the sentiment goes up and down on a daily basis, but in a few years that could all change. As more and more people accept it, fluctuations should become a thing of the past.

I liked the thread of conversation between "CubicEarth" and "amacen", it seemed productive. I would like to chime in on the no inherent value comment and the comparison to baseball cards.

I know a lot about bitcoin, I have never heard of a reversible faulty transaction. Are you talking about an escrow service, or something else? I really would like to know.