
Here is the the big question. YOU start a new PERFECT cryptocurrency. Its not bitcoin, its some other PERFECT system. Maybe backed by a government, maybe not. When you start out, what price are you going to put on 1 tokens worth? $1? $100? Will the price always be set on that price? If you are going to set one

I trust in coinbase as well, but seriously, don't store your bitcoins on an exchange. You should definitely take them off of coinbase.

You go to a store or website that accepts it and use it to check out. It's really not hard. Got a wallet? Ill send you a little to try it out.

I think its awesome, but really doubt that we will ever see three separate rocket stages returning to withing a few hundred yard of each other. That just sounds like a recipe for disaster that can be easily avoided, but it looks really cool in a video. (but if you say he already bought the lease for the pads...maybe

You absolutely could.

What is your point Jimthebrit? Do a google search for "bank hack". You will find recent reports of million dollar, $45 million, $100 millon thefts from large banks. They dont always end up as cover stories because they dont have the click-worthy-ness of a bitcoin story.

Yea, this is wrong information. Large sums of bitcoins can be stored on paper/thumbdrives/harddrives in a cold wallet. Cold wallets have NEVER been hacked.

Seriously. People who read gizmodo should be those that are on the cutting edge of technology. These are the people that spend their days on the internet. The internet, it changed the world, did it not? Come on Gizmodo readers, do some research and find out about bitcoin.

I know its not SpaceX, but part of the excitement about tomorrows launch is that they WILL be trying to land the first stage...on an unmanned floating platform. Remember?

pirated 3d printed records could destroy this market!

I actually agree with CaptainJack. I dont need a link to a website where I can buy a tinfoil hat, but come on, do you really think that these blimps only have systems for early warning radar and missile guidance?

ugh, duplicate

I was simply stating a solution to the "problem" of not having a physical representation of someones bitcoins. The banking system could come up with some version of printing out and storing a secret key for customers. Maybe they dont print it, maybe they use something like a Trezor vault that is stored in a safety

I have my bitcoins stored on the blockchain. It is widely accepted that as long as I keep my secret key secure, those bitcoins are COMPLETELY secure. Print out the secret key and store it away. What I have done is basically taken my digital bitcoins and turned them into a physical representations on a little

Should be way over to the left.

It'd be cool if this was Philae.

I dont have a feeling either way about whether or not this site should have been taken down, but wasn't the server located in some foreign country? Isnt the United States clearly overstepping the limits on hardware that it should not have access to?

three? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

I was going to post about this. The only reason I am still with Verizon is that I tether my phone to my laptop when I am on the road and the grandfathered unlimited plan is great for that. I called Verizon a couple of months ago and asked some questions and what I was told was that if I want to upgrade my phone,