I live in Scottieland too mostly - but London is for work (i move around). And I know all about that darn spooky haar. And no I am not an actor. The rest is my mystery. ;)
I live in Scottieland too mostly - but London is for work (i move around). And I know all about that darn spooky haar. And no I am not an actor. The rest is my mystery. ;)
Ireland is not in the UK, FYI.
Oh completely. Irish people are really magic oppressed fairies ideal. Or 'noble magic white people'. It is the most pernicious bunch of bullshit ever but some people like it so much, it won't go away. And the people who perpetuate it the most are those who claim to like Ireland. Ancestry usually. Believe me -…
Look, the US is not the centre of the world. We don't all use it as a moral compass and we don't all compare ourselves to it in social issues. So the claim that people in the UK don't examine themselves because they feel superior to one other country are quite naive. And they expose you as ill informed in general.
But this kind of thing seems to happen all the time in the US, judging by Jezebel stories. I mean, Steubenville?
Your last sentence SO MUCH.
I've noticed the same and I'm not quite sure what's behind it, but it doesn't just extend to sex — they definitely have no problem talking openly about "those damn [enter immigrant population here]"
Decades? what a joke.
This is Ireland not the UK. So please don't conflate the two. Certainly in terms of attitudes to sex and use of language. Ireland and the UK have always been different.
I hesitate to be so pedantic, but this happened in Ireland, which is not the UK, and is sometimes less progressive than the UK when it comes to how women are treated in society.
As a UK resident who used to live in the States: are we a few decades behind some other countries? Absolutely. A few decades behind America? You must be joking.
Lolita: One of the most oft referenced and least understood texts, evar.
It takes a special kind of infuriating asshat to be an American who uses the term 'snogging.' Being faux-British does not make you more charming, bro.
I don't know what he was thinking. Or if he was thinking at all. But I'm kinda glad he did it so that people realize we're not just crazy, sensitive Black women. There is a real culture of sexism and misogyny OUTSIDE of hip hop in our culture, and Black women aren't just imagining these things.
Clearly you misread the article. He's not trying to infringe someone else's liberty. It's his wife and daughters we're talking about. That's totally his domain. He's protecting them from the evils of the world, as is his role as moral compass of the family.
My liberty is not the ability to infringe someone else's liberty.
Okay. Repeat after me.
I hear you. I think teasing out all the subtleties can be really complicated.
I am ambivalent about this. I'm a Mexican feminist. I was born and raised in Mexico then I got a scholarship to come to do my PhD in the US and fell in love with the country and never left.
On one side I'm glad we are talking about this. Some times I do think white feminist are "too white" whatever that means. They…
This is exactly the criticism that gets aimed at all feminists. The protestors in TX were called an "unruly mob." We're called "shrill," and "feminazis." This is aimed at silencing us. Please don't do that here.