
I got the impression that they want people to sneak in. I'm thinking that if you were smart enough to sneak in the back door, they let you join there group, but if your dumb enough to come in the front, you get taken prisoner for whatever reason. This is just a guess based on how both gareth and crazy looking lady

Yeah, if Rick had said "You should be" you would still be reading my 60,000 word rant about a zombie show based on a comic book getting too big for its britches.

One thing that bugged me. Rick & co snuck into Terminus from a side entrance and went undetected. Then at the end, Terminus has a bunch of people outside the fence with guns. Figure they should have maybe run into each other when Team Rick got there.

I have to go back and look, but one of my friends claims that Mary at Terminus(older Tasha Yar!) was wearing Beth's sweater. If so, that's awesome. I kinda wanna go back and look to see if that is actually accurate.

right! now I feel like my son isn't working hard enough.

Everything's actually recorded in WING DINGS, then transcribed to COMIC SANS.

Should probably read, "Middle schooler aided by accountant parent."

Not to worry, you're old enough to legally drink enough to bring it back up to par.

i'm sorry, middle school? that's my self esteem blow for the day

Ahem, due to the hue of the participants, that is not a riot but rather a spirited gathering of exuberant youth.

I, for one, find it reprehensible that you choose not to pay an extra $200 up front and $50 per month for the opportunity to be a worse person.

I'm with you...I didn't get a smartphone forever because I knew what would happen...however...I travel a lot for work, and often to some strange places. Having instant gps, info on areas, hotels, etc...just became too invaluable in my line of work.
The difference is that my job may require an hour or two of computer

Is not having a smartphone the new I don't own a TV?

The US Government is so inept (they couldn't even build a functional website with three years and 5 gazillion dollars to work with) the very notion they could pull something like a false flag 9/11 conspiracy (under any administration) and keep it a secret is laughable (also, I'm ignoring the existence of Newtonian

I'd assume there's no point asking this fella how he locks the thing up to prevent theft.

Not at all a logical segway, Rob.

Interesting... I actually met Skeletor when he was the Senator for my State. I voted for him, Senator Skeletor actually did a very good job of representing the people of his state, that is until He-Man and the "Royal" "family" took over the country and subjected everyone to their rule and beliefs. Skeletor was

I believe in the Stringer Bell Effect

haha this is great