
Lowell Cohn is the man who once wrote an entire column calling one of his colleagues incompetent just because he was pissed the guy didn’t say hello to him in the hallway.

I actually had the same first instinct of “barely a scratch on him” but then I realized I was mentally comparing it to most mugshot beating photos I’ve seen, where a person has been beaten by a whole gaggle of baton-wielding police officers, instead of a one-on-one encounter.

I took it as code that this was Jon Travolta or somebody else widely believed to be gay.

He’s going for that tried and true “1970s Filipino” look.

Gambling? In England? I’m shocked.

Seriously, I have a feeling that guy has a more interesting life story than “I was a security guard the whole time.” Toughest motherfucker on the field.

The fact that the performance isn’t being used to honor an abuser of women and senior citizens really only makes dubstep violin about 15% less offensive.

In the same sense that Comcast is “giving up” on cable subscriptions by offering VOD, or the record companies are “giving up” on selling albums by putting music on Spotify. Business models change. There may be more money to be made in spreading the IP far and wide than trying to own every single thing that touches it.

Don’t let the door kick you in the balls on the way out.

$50? Lucky bastard. Mine are usually $100.

Doing a little reading on the subject that’s a bad excuse though since 1216 seems closer to the action on that particular topic.

Careful, don’t cut yourself.

I was thinking the Buddhists too, but TIL there’s more Christians than Buddhists in modern India. I’m a history major, I’m better at 1216 than 2016!

I’m confused though, because they don’t eat Pokemon eggs, they hatch them. Surely vegetarians are okay with hatching eggs.

Man, it kind of seems like while ultimate fault lies with the guy who got laid out, the player sort of made a conscious decision not to avoid hitting him. “Tony Stewarting” I think this act is called.

Gay is definitely a random character trait you can get. I also tend to have the same problem you do where some sad neckbearded colonist can’t take no for an answer and begs the camp hottie for a date until he goes insane.

My thought was a veneer or something, not a fully rooted tooth for sure.

Conor McGregor in street clothes always looks like he stepped off the set of Full House or something. His fashion sense is firmly rooted in early 90s Dad.

That’s cool - I imagine for Slavic fantasy fans The Witcher must have been extra special for getting some Eastern European mythology up into a Western-dominated mainstream.