
Is it weird that my biggest takeaway from this article was “if you run a service photoshopping dead family members and you’re so affected by the story of a toddler choking to death that you did $500 of work for free how do you ever make any money in that line of work?”


It’s my understanding (and I haven’t travelled to either place) that because the victims of Serbian ethnic cleansing in Kosovo were largely ethnic Albanians that they consider them to be their “people” if not citizens of the same nation. I believe there was also some overlap between militants who fought for Albanian

I think his motives in most cases were pretty unimpeachable - in many ways he was far more idealistic in his foreign policy than Obama, who can be frustratingly (if understandably) cynical. Sometimes pretty shitty things come from the best of intentions - even the more malevolent forces in his administration

Well, they mostly love America in general - they are big fans of the resolution in Kosovo and credit the U.S. for it, plus generally Central and Eastern Europeans are far more pro-America (leftover Cold War sentiment, for one) than are Western Europeans. I know they have statues of W. in particular though, so I don’t

Yeah, I think it would be kind of slumming it for an ex-President. Besides, any tough ambassador spot, you’d want a career diplomat, and any cushy ambassador spot you’ve probably got a political favor to pay back.

He could be our ambassador to Albania, or Kurdistan if that becomes a country. If memory serves, those are pretty much the only two places on the planet that remember him fondly. I also just like the idea of Bush spending the rest of his days living in Balkan obscurity.

I mean, counterpoint, are you saying that we’d be better off with GWB getting anywhere near another “high stakes crisis?” I think the cream has risen as far as it needs re: painting his own feet.

He’s been a pretty solid post-President. It helps that his party has left him behind (along with all pre-2010s Republicans), but he does seem to have faded agreeably out of the public eye.

I disagree with his politics, but I kind of wish he was my grandpa (I never knew my grandfathers, so I’ve always wanted one).

Came here to post exactly this.

Well, it was a really low-intensity grappling match - no strikes allowed. He was never really in any position to get hurt, just collect a paycheck for what amounts to the kind of BJJ rolling any UFC fighter would do between bouts to stay fresh anyway.

My lip reading ability faded out after that, but Jericho definitely seems to open that tirade with “He broke his fucking ankle! I told you that!”

I think he might have swallowed it.

Yeah, uh, the whole paragraph with the numbers needs another pass.

So, that explains why this game-worn Curt Schilling sock gave me hepatitis.

I genuinely thought this was gonna happen with the Republican debate Trump skipped. Halfway through the lights would suddenly go out - “Is that Trump’s music?!”

I love the dude in the Incredibles jersey trying to stop the bat with sheer force of will and/or magic. “YOU SHALL NOT PASS!”

I think this sells her a little short - she actually has very good defensive wrestling with which to sprawl which distinguishes her from being just a boxer, but yeah she was exposed badly when she actually did go down and nobody can stay vertical for their whole career.

Nate Diaz is a really badass Towelie from South Park. You guys wanna get high?