
Because he’s a big orange racist. He’d actually be pretty popular in Australia too.

The UFC would never allow a totally unqualified person to compete for them. Unless, like, he was really good at pretending to be hit with chairs or something.

The primary method of losing a very large amount of weight in a short time for weigh-ins is extreme dehydration, which leads to potassium build-up in the blood. Not an uncommon complication unfortunately (well, it’s uncommon at heavyweight because few guys cut much weight if any there), and the promotions have

You can’t fool me; there ain’t no sanity clause.

Oh, man, how had I never heard of that. That’s terrible. It wasn’t even the PLO! Oh, for the 80's when nobody in America needed to know the name of more than one terrorist group. :(

Joke’s on you, dude. He’s totally 1/8 Cherokee.

My little brothers and I used to take couches that people would leave out front of their houses, rig three skateboards under them, and ride them full speed down the (huge) hill outside our house, which opened into an unprotected intersection at the bottom. I don’t know how anybody survives to adulthood.

“That’s nothing - we can use the water here to strip paint.”

And it took eleven years after that just to make helmets mandatory, which seems like a much smaller change than banning fighting. I think the OP is greatly underestimating the tolerance of sports fans for the occasional maiming or death. Or, hell, for pretty consistent maiming.

Geez. Worse than the face plant was how long it seemed to take for somebody who looked equipped to handle the situation to arrive in frame. I’ll stick to watching fighting that takes place on soft surfaces and away from sharp objects, thank you.

His good eye looks terrified of his bad eye.


It was actually a joint Iranian-American-Grey Alien operation to recover the downed Malaysian Airlines plane. Occam’s razor, you know.

The shitty thing about this isn’t even the way they’re smearing Obama - that’s par for the course - it’s the way these sailors get caught in the crossfire just so right-wing pundits can insist this was a “humiliation”.

Hey, man, give it some time. Chip has to figure out what race he is before he can make that decision.

Then why do more people do drugs today than when we started the War on Drugs? We don’t get to just decide what’s being incentivized, we have years of evidence as to the failure of the policy.

Good take. The IRGC undeniably represent the worst Iran has to offer - they’re the hardliners of a definitely (albeit exaggeratedly) hardline country. The fact that they had to back down and follow the official Iranian government line of this speaks to the weakness of said hardline in Iranian politics right now

I mean, I would take their reporting on issues that effect Qatar with the same grain of salt you should any media outlet, but their international reporting is generally top notch. They rate as one of the most trusted organizations among their fellow journalists across the world. Bush talked a lot of shit about them,

Oh, thank God it wasn’t just me.

I’m with you, dude. Egg nog is fuckin’ gross.