

You, sir, have my sense of humor. Comedy is dead, tragedy, now that’s funny.

If only they’d hired this chick to do those Danish cartoons nobody would even have known what they were upset about!

The bad, obvious name reminds me that I probably owe somebody somewhere some money for betting that there would be a Ben Affleck action-drama about the Marathon bombing/manhunt by now called Pressure Cooker.

Yep. Not the first athlete to watch their career disappear down the bottom of a bottle, won’t be the last.

Uh, I think you guys are burying the lede here. Aldon Smith’s middle name is Jacarus? That kicks ass.

Cool, man. I’ve probably spent more time over the past couple years playing Early Access games than finished products. Hell, some of the good ones are already more finished than games that have been out a while.

But, wait a minute, the MRAs told me that in these situations the police never rule the violence mutual and always arrest the man and castrate him in front of a crowd of screaming feminists. Also, something about sluts.

My driver’s side door lock is busted so I have to unlock on the passenger side. The door itself still works, so I enter on the driver’s side, but if the lock went all the way and just wouldn’t open I’m sure I would pull the passenger seat slide along for at least a few weeks before I finally got it fixed.

Heh, good one, I was like “what the fuck, who let the underwear model in the cage” the first time I saw a Rockhold bout.

Yeah, that’s the plot of the movie, but Wilson’s character is too stupid to remember so he calls it Micronesia. Also, apparently they straight up changed it to Micronesia in the Asian release to avoid offending the Malaysian audience, though I didn’t know that ‘til just now.

He’s going to kill the prime minister of Micronesia!

I mean, fortunately Rondo is such a soft and cuddly person that he will surely defuse this situation...

“As much sex as possible” isn’t even bragging, really. I had as much sex as possible when I was a teenager. It fell far short of “as much sex as I would like” which is a much more impressive target.

Yeah, that’s a great fight with no hype.

My favorite part of the screaming McGregor picture is the delighted little girl. I mean, how intimidating can that scream have been? It literally couldn’t frighten a little girl.

Very much so, yes?

Also, if somebody was going to take a dive you would think it would be, you know, the huge overdog with the sketchy boxing career, not Shamrock.

“Oh no, my desktop background!”

But how’s he going to get to the website without his #3 monitor computer?!