"Just plain apathetic"? I couldn't make this up.
"Just plain apathetic"? I couldn't make this up.
Remind me never to ask the Ravens for Cliff's Notes on anything.
Of all of the really stupid comments in the grays that I read because I hate myself, I want to single this one out because I think it's truly a monumental achievement in tone-deafness to imagine that young black men are being more detrimentally affected by sympathetic Deadspin articles than by being MURDERED.
Do you have more accurate data to share with us? Or your reason for disbelieving those numbers? I don't know what study in particular CNN is using but I've yet to see one that didn't reach a similar conclusion, and I've seen a few.
As a matter of fact I'm actually accounting for all of those things. These are rate stats I'm quoting, not counting ones - I'm using the FBI numbers you linked. African-Americans are arrested at approximately 300% the rate of white people. They are shot by the police at approximately 2100% the rate of white people. I…
Please, tell me more about how a subgroup that (according your own statistics!) is 3 times more likely to commit a crime but 25 times more likely to be shot by the police is indicative that there is no racism going on?
You are describing a very small percentage of people fighting for that cause. I have, for example, never met a white person who was met with hostility while protesting alongside people of color against police brutality. From fellow protestors that is, the police were obviously hostile.
White denial, folks.
I mean, in theory Ray and his agent could have put together their own script and told her it was from the team, but on the other hand the NFL's lips are moving and thus it is probably lying.
When one Cosby falls another shall rise to take their place.
You do realize there's a long, rich history of overlap between sports and politics, particularly in the racial arena? I'm sure Jackie Robinson's "agenda" ruined a lot of people's Sunday afternoons too.
He's definitely one of those guys where you wish you could have been a fly on the wall the first time somebody had to explain to them that Stephen Colbert is just doing a comedy bit.
Somehow the awful quality makes it funnier.
Oh, my.
He sure is an odd target; in my experience Bill Cosby was one of the favored black public figures among white racists since his "pull your pants up, all your problems are your own fault" attitude towards the black community so closely matched their own. Fuck that holier-than-thou "humanitarian" even if he somehow…
It's real good what you did there. Real good.
It's like every molecule of his body is simultaneously and involuntarily pulling away. I think there might be a black hole just out of frame to the right.
That's a cool idea... hell, a few dozen volunteers given god mode and a scary skin could make a pretty cool Halloween event in most any shooter.
You should probably wake up then, given that MLB has had revenue sharing for the better part of two decades...