
Well said. People love to shit on "kids these days" - I look at a generation that, by a ton of metrics (including, although today isn't the ideal time to make this point, violence), is as good as any we've had.

Wouldn't that only be "TRUE equality" if white players were banned from football for using it? Last I checked Riley Cooper still has a job and the NFL just fined a black QB for using the n-word too, but keep on being a poor oppressed white man if that's what gets you through the day.


Uncharismaticman is the worst super hero ever.

Yeah, I don't know anything about the charges this is regarding but if I was picking a UFC guy to be in a SWAT standoff, "Mayhem" is actually pretty far down the list.

I wonder why they prefer to tranquilize them in a tree. I'm sure there's a legitimate scientific reason behind it, but in my mind it's just "heheh, they look funny when they fall out."

With no disrespect at all intended to Barry's article, this should be at the top not in the comments.

I haven't seen somebody catch woman's face that severely since Bruce Jenner.

KLM is the shit.

If all those stand-up comedians are telling the truth about marriage this can't be good news for Deshawn's head.

Obviously it goes without saying that beating women is a chickenshit activity, but seeing an actual transcript of it makes you really appreciate what pathetic, insecure, little children these sorts of guys are. No doubt it's the "sensitive" flip side of this emotional dependence masquerading as devotion that plays a

Funny story, this generation is objectively less violent than the several that preceded it! Don't buy the media hype, crime rates have been trending down forever.

I actually agree to a fair extent; because of the demographics of its fan base the NFL does actually wield not insignificant influence on this issue. I just wanted to clarify that I'm pretty sure the author's intent with that passage was to mock perceived self-importance, not to minimize the societal impact of

I think he's scoffing at the idea that the NFL, even if they were handling this much better, has quite the impact on society as that statement implies.

I'm going to hazard a wild guess you don't have a great relationship with your mother.

When I was growing up the janitors had to break up all the fights with their bare hands which always seemed like more than they were being paid to do. I will never forget watching a 6'2" eighth grader throw a 5'3" janitor literally through a wall in middle school.

Now there's a scorching. I can smell burnt Ovaltine from here.

Fortunately we need not rely on anecdote; there are ample studies showing that (on average) children who are beaten by their parents are more likely to end up in jail, perform more poorly academically, and are less successful financially throughout their lives than children who are not.

I'm not necessarily saying he should be punished at this stage, just pointing out that doing so doesn't actually set a precedent that would have applied in the Kaepernick situation. Really, I think these teams and the NFL as a whole could save themselves a headache by having a set-in-stone rule to hide behind re: what

Corollary to this: a lot of the people that say "my parents beat me and I turned out great" are not such wonderful poster children for that theory as they seem to imagine.