
We have a winner!

Honestly, if they ruin the connection between present-day storyline and past, im done with this shit. How are you gonna unleash a shitstorm of a plot device such as the ending of AC2 and the remainder of the series up until ACIV (which in my opinion went waaaay to astray on what could have been some major shit

Now playing

Assassin's Creed II, in conjunction with the rest of the Ezio Trilogy, but dammit the ending of AC:Revelations with the camera spinning around the chair, both men's lives are at their destiny's end, and you had the opportunity to live it with them from start to finish.

Lieutenant Reginald "Reg" Endicott Barclay III

The problem with Warcraft lore progression is that Warcraft 3, and WoW placed such an immense focus on the story of Arthas that everything else becomes uninteresting and insignificant.

Vanilla WoW was the BEST Wow.

Nice layers, BRO!


Im sorry, what about a GOP coordinated DDoS attack on ACA Signup page?

Best video game ever!

aaaaand this just made my day!.

This is a 100% story driven game spanning 6 titles including ACIV. If you come here looking for anything other than a really well fleshed out hodgepodge of Ancient Aliens, The History Channel, and some Tin Foil hats, you are in the wrong place.

I'm sorry but the original WoTLK Trailer is just stupidly awesome, and in no way does this pile of garbage do its atmosphere justice.

Super Pimped Hackintosh/Win7/Linux PC - Check

The best part of vanilla was spending day and night grinding dungeons for +10 fire resistance to gloves do you wouldn't be lagging behind your 40 man raid in MC. It gave all your accomplishments that much more worth. Also it was all new And you made tons of new friends.

This game's hype is only relevant in the year 1997 when 3d graphics we're introduced and this game brought final fantasy to a whole notha level.

Wait what? I'm a pretty huge AC fanboi, and i haven't seen this yet!