
Best Final Fantasy game bar none. Doesn’t even matter the version.

That intro to Ezio was so good. Three games with him doesn't feel like enough.

10:00am – Tetris w/creator Alexey Pajitnov

You know what the real best scene is? EVERY. SCENE.

What?! What about Orlandu?!?? Master of EVERYTHING! Lightning Stab/Holy Explosion (with Excalibur) his way through all obstacles!

Now playing

Assassin's Creed II, in conjunction with the rest of the Ezio Trilogy, but dammit the ending of AC:Revelations with the camera spinning around the chair, both men's lives are at their destiny's end, and you had the opportunity to live it with them from start to finish.

Well, looks like I'm going to buy this again. For the 12th time.

My heart is ready for this love

Considering VI is my all time favorite