
Last I checked Kinect was purchased, by Microsoft, and not created by them.

It seem's to me that the present day plot device is being either hidden very well, or has been largely dismissed to focus on "super awesome fun pirate ninja ship battles".

Tactics is one of the greatest fantasy games of all time. Just sayin.


God this fucking game. Its really not that great.

Is that the one where Obiwan Kenobi loses all his memory of the 2 droids that were an integral part of his life for years earlier?

I'm not sure what world you come from, but in mine Final Fantasy IX is the second best Final Fantasy, right after FF6.

To reuse a quote from the Reddit post this came from.

No, just No!

I am slightly confused why people are consistently whining about Diablo 3. What were you people expecting? Im starting to think that after 9 years of grinding in WoW, people's perception of what a linear stand-alone title with multiplayer aspect, has been warped tremendously.


Thank you. FF6 - Best FF of them all. :)

You play an FPS, you want to shoot guns. You pick up a gun, and you want to shoot guns. Where is Mr. Yee's attempt at banning guns. Thought so.

Bravo sir, Bravo!

I remember spending my first week of lv 30 after finding my way to the Barrens from Dustwallow Marsh, looking for the Orc Memorial on top of the Hill in the Barrens.

http://www.browserstack.com Go and find out how different sites load in normal browsers, and then look at how they load in IE 9 and under. 10 seems to be for the most part.

Ok, Im getting kind of interested in this "Undisclosed" project from Crytek. Any word?

God, I love this game. This was and still is my favorite rpg of all time.