

I don't and neither does America in general. DV can range from my wife throwing something at me to me touching her in any way during a fight to an all out physical altercation. DV is a general term used for any physical contact between a couple during a fight and in most states one of you is going to jail regardless

We wound up with some of this a couple months ago as we just happened to be at Target (die Walmart) and needed coffee. While I wouldn't go back for the Bolivian (just curious to try it) I do use the tin to store our other coffee now. Since i name dropped, I'll just say as a general rule I dig coffee from Rwanda the

You sure about that? WW2 was around 70 million dead with over 1 billion involved in one way or another. I'm not saying your wrong, I just didn't think it had a bigger impact especially with the lack of mobility and bombing.

I guess you missed the first sentence... "For the past 20 years, Charlie Sheen has allegedly assaulted"

These stats don't make WW2 look as bad as it was (I don't know nearly as much about the other conflicts in comparison). There were something like 26 million soldiers who died (across the board) and double that if not more for civilian deaths. That war was absolutely horrific and none of us here can even begin to

What is worse yet is that people actually care. It's his life and he can do with it as he pleases like it or not.

Not in the company's I've done work for around here (Detroit). They were all sub 50 and in some cases sub 40. I knew a slew of guys at Ford and GM who were lucky to see 42 a year. The temps they would bring in made like $9 an hour doing PC work. I guess that's why GE moved 1600 or so jobs out this way.

Yes, you would loose it. Same with using IMAP from an email client. You need to either use pop or backup to a PST once in awhile.

The funny thing is this trend as they call it is how America has always been. I don't know where you guys grew up but in my house we had the same TV for like 10 years (step dad still uses 2 of them), same VCR forever, same kitchen appliances (in some cases they were grandma's), and the list goes on. Swapping out gear

What? $100 is nothing, most IT consulting firms charge that or more an HOUR.

They aren't SE's they are PC techs. If you think running around fixing workstations makes a SE you need to think again.

I could literally work at McDonalds and pay for everything... I work for a living in the literal sense, but my living is stashing as much cash as humanly possible. While I hate it I just hope that I can retire sooner rather than later.

I actually had this discussion with my boss and a similar outcome, but it was of my own choosing, I didn't get canned.

I agree with you, but finding something that pays as well that I enjoy is a tall order. Trust me I rack my brain daily trying to think of options that don't require me to plop down big money to start a small business.

That's the first one I came across from years gone by (looks like 99 from the prompt). XFCE was my choice too when the others like WM and E died out, but I still miss E regardless.

I always go heavy on the vinegar (apple), absolutely love poached eggs any time of day on top of an English muffin (Bays). Might have one for lunch actually, haven't had one in ages.

Yes, but you aren't paying for the dist, you're paying for support.

They all look like crap if you ask me. The Linux WMs haven't looked "good" for 10 years. Compared to Enlightenment they all just look like another cheap suit.

Windows is the same, it just pops up with a window outside of the "Windows Update" obviously.