
I've been in shock since 3.6 hit because the memory usage has gone through the floor. There were times when FF would push over 1gb of ram (1.2gb was my peak) on my workstation (6gb of ram), 800mb on my work laptop (2gb ram), and 950mb on my MB (4gb) .

While I'm a fan, it doesn't even begin to touch the features that Outlook brings to the table when it's hooked up with Exchange.

I've been using it all morning and really all I can say is that the idea is great and I totally dig the interface, but it has a long way to go. It's not buggy, but my complaints just echo many others; lack of customization and application support.

@Pwnguins: It's a fact that FF has massive memory issues. It doesn't release memory when you close tabs (it's not uncommon for me to see 600mb-1100mb used) and let's not forget that we have been using multiple cores for ages. Hell they still don't have tab isolation which would also fix the stupid ass single core

This study was based on a 3 hour IQ session given to one grade at one school and the results reviewed after just 8 weeks. I hardly call this a result with such a small group.

This is great, I had just broke out the space heater today! Mine is ancient to say the least and hasn't really been in use for 3 years.

@pepelicious: Also take notes of any damage you see and have the landlord sign off on it. Most generic leases have a section for this, but if your landlord removed it, just do it on a piece of paper and make a copy for both of you.

One thing to keep in mind is that most landlords will not refund a fee they took at the start of the lease.

My main is definitely my tower. A laptop can't match it dollar for dollar let alone OC'n, expandability, graphics, etc.

Great job! I have the same setup and while my cables are to a minimum, I can't touch yours. I'll have to add it to my list of unemployed to-do's (along with putting my boxes back down in the basement).

@Philip Marquis: You might want to check into the speed differences between SATA and DDR3...

@Philip Marquis: So what you're telling us is that swapping to a hard drive is much faster than using ram... Good to know, thanks!

@krische: There really shouldn't be (for now). Sprint's network was built for tens of millions more users than they have now. They have plenty of room.

@dfp3050: Their 3G has a cap... I'm not sure what their WiMax caps will be yet.

@Jeff Smith: Via Kansas? Their 3G for me came out of Chicago while in Detroit or Atlanta when I was in FL or SJ when I was in SJ... You mean to tell me they route the whole nation to Kansas?

This guy/gal doesn't sound savvy enough to take on a home server or a nas so would stick with a simplest solution.

@range: I only get BRs via Netflix, but the wife loves a bunch of shows and I watch a couple myself via the DVR. I could go back to my old ways in a second however, but that would remove some quality time with the wife as both of us sitting at my desk isn't going to happen.

@AYB: It just boots a Linux environment to fire up a vhost which in turn loads the VM. It's the same thing as firing up VMWare on your desktop and running an image.

@OCEntertainment: While I loved Doom, Quake was way better than Doom.